chapter 21;hannie's done

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"Yesha you are  behaving like a kid, go to the bathroom" Alli ordered and I pouted

Our relationship was slowly blossoming. I thank Allah every time I get to for giving me a wonderful husband.
Aww tesoro!

"We need to be there before 10 and this is 9:30 " Alli said
"Okay, I am going but not because you asked me to but because of my lil munchkins" I said sticking out my tongue at him
" such a kid!"I heard him mutter as I dashed to the bathroom.
We were done dressing up so I sat to catch my breath because  I was running about all because of my dear husband!
I sat dressed  in a maroon atamfa  with a cream veil and holding my phone and just took a glance at the garden of flowers he started growing. Turns out my husband like flowers, he could even get married yo flowers! Then I heard a click and saw Alli with his phone.
"Alli stop taking my pictures without me knowing! " I deadpanned
"Blame yourself for being to beautiful joonam!"

 "Alli stop taking my pictures without me knowing! " I deadpanned"Blame yourself for being to beautiful joonam!"

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The pictures🖕

We sat for breakfast of croissant and tea

We sat for breakfast of croissant and tea

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The pic🖕

"Have you packed Hannie's gift?"
"Yes tesoro!"
"Then let's  go"

We got into the car and I immediately gisted him on how Hannan can be so annoying!
I packed hannan's gift already so I took it from the backseat immediately Alli packed the car.
"You didn't wait for me to open the door for you!" He said dramatically
"Duhh don't be so cute." I said dismissing him
He slid his arm around my waist and we walked to the hall.
Entering the hall I dialed Hashim's number knowing how busy Fara would be.
"We are here"
"Coming" he said and hung up
"Assalam Alaykum brother in-law" Hashim greeted
"Wa Alaykum salam" Alli replied hugging him
" I am still here , I ain't a thing you know" I said angrily
" sisterrrr" he exaggerated like he is just seeing me
I smacked his arm  dismissing him
"Let's go !"

Reaching our table , I couldn't find Hannan and Fareehah.
" Looking for the queens?"Hashim asked
" You should know they wouldn't be here ,I left them at home though. " he said
" I can't believe I am here before the graduand "

" Ayesha ,when did you arrive ?" I heard mum's voice
" mummyyyyyyy" I screamed hugging her
I miss (×3)this woman a lot .
" I am getting old, don't break my bones " mum said
Alli greeted her squatting .
"I don't see father?"
"He travelled this morning, he will be present at the dinner. Just went to collect a file he couldn't trust his workers with"
"See how my baby is glowing!" Aunt summayya said pulling my checks
" awww! But it not what you think "I said hugging her
" silly, your sisters are on their way"

Some minutes later, fara,hannie and some of my cousins arrived.
Fara was spec!
Hannie was ravishing!

Fara was spec!Hannie was ravishing!

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"Amariyaaaa!" Fara screeched
"You look kill!"
"I am still mad at you"
"Come on, we did that for a reason!"
"Forgive us!" Hannan chirped in
"Not so soon!"
" please!" Fara said pouting

We were driving home for the dinner and I can't wait to see dad.
"Here comes latest bride in town!" A male voice said.
"It's your fave, salman" he said waving at me.
I and Alli walked hand-in-gloves to his direction.

We just ate finish and salman called me to talk.
As we talked, he kept glancing at Amirah and I just had to ask.
"So????" I asked wriggling my brows
"OK, ever since I met her at your wedding"
"So, made any move yet!"
"Em, no!"
"OK, you coming for my dinner?"
"Of course"
I got back to my   chair beside Alli and saw fara typing away on her phone.
"So you are next!"
"Yeah, in 14days"
"In shaa Allah".

" Alli, can we go now?"
We got to the car and I was soo tired so I rested my head on Alli's shoulder but he didn't start the car.
"Is something wrong?"
"Will you let me drive?"
"Your head" he said coldly so I removed my head.
"Is everything okay"
"Just let me Drive!"
What could I have done?

Hey rafikis

What's wrong with Alli??

Hope you are all doing well?
Use this last ten days well.
May All our duas be accepted

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