chapter 12😎

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Ayesha's POV

Today is Friday and happy because it the last day of the week to go to my freaking office!.
I got downstairs to prepare breakfast for everyone. I prepared omelette and smoothie.

"Fareehah, come down for breakfast now!" I ordered

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"Fareehah, come down for breakfast now!" I ordered. I am dropping Fareehah off at college so I have to freaking wait for her!
"Coming Ayush!" She replied giggling.
"Did. you. just. call. me . Ayush.?!"I shouted. I waited for her to come downstairs before I hit her on her arm.
" ouch!" She fake yelled knowing fully well what she has done.
"What did  i do wrong this time?"
" how many times have I told you not to call  me Ayush?!"
"Sorry it won't repeat it self"
"Now eat up in a jiffy!"
After breakfast we were already heading to the car when mum called me.
"Yes mum"
" you and Fareehah should come back early today, don't go anywhere else because we are having visitors"mum said
" what did she say ?" Fara asked when I got to the car.
" she said that we should come back early because we are having a visitor"
"Mum and ways having visitors!"
I dropped her off and then headed to my office .
"good morning Ma'am" the  security greeted as he open the door for me.
"Morning" I replied
"Assalamu alaikum, welcome" Dina my assistant greeted
"Wa Alaykum salam "
"Ma'am , you have a meeting scheduled by 12."
"Oh come on!, can't you do without works related things?!"
"Ahaha! It's my job"
"This is past 8,so we still have 4hours till the meeting"
"Yes ma'am"
..."so in the mean time we are going for ice cream and a walk!"
"But I have files to check and read" she protested
"Come on,don't be a workaholic"
"Fine " she said defeated but her face quickly lit up as if she got an idea. "Yes I got it!,I will only check two files and we are going!"
"Fine!" Now it was my turn to feel defeated.
After about 30 minutes, I went to ask if Dina was done and then left.
We got some vanilla and chocolate ice cream and then we went to a park for a walk.

We got some vanilla and chocolate ice cream and then we went to a park for a walk

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The ice cream 🖕

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The ice cream 🖕

"Yes ma'am!"
"What do you do when  your parents wants something good for you but you are not ready?"
"I do istikhaarah(seeking Allah's counsel)"
"After that?..."
"I give them a genuine reason why I don't want the thing or why I am not ready"...
"..... And if they are still adamant, I give in knowing fully well that they are my parents and that Allah knows the future and he is the best planner.
Has someone said ' not all storms that come your path has come to disrupt you,rather some has come to clear your path"  she said.
"Hmmm,pretty good,thanks"
"Any problem?"
"Not really, mum and dad just want me to get married sooner or later and with how mum has been a bizarre,I think they found someone"
"Wow,I pray you find the right person"
"Thanks DD"
"Let take some shadow pics!" She said
We both took a pics forming a heart with our hands and then I took several alone.

"Hmmm,pretty good,thanks""Any problem?""Not really, mum and dad just want me to get married sooner or later and with how mum has been a bizarre,I think they found someone""Wow,I pray you find the right person""Thanks DD""Let take some shadow pics!...

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★★★★★★★★★★***********************We got back to the office around past 9 so i replied the pending files and got ready for the meeting

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We got back to the office around past 9 so i replied the pending files and got ready for the meeting. I haven't gotten a breif of the meeting  so I went to meet DD(Dina Deluxe).
After asking for the brief, I went back to my office and started to watch vlogs. I am not a workaholic so don't be surprised
The meeting went really well with the clients. They were customers from Morocco who Wanted us to plan the house they are about to build.
I was going to pick up Fareehah . she is meant to come herself with her car but her car has some issues with the mechanic.

"Assalam Alaykum" Fara greeted when she entered
"Wa Alaykum salam,how was your day?"
"It was good Allhamdulillah,and yours?"
"It was fine"I replied and started to rant on what happened at the office.

    We got home and we saw  black shiny cars parked In front of the house. which visitor is it now? I mentally asked myself.
We got in and immediately Hannan appeared.
" who is it "Fara asked
" they came with a proposal "she said and my heart sank!
" I asked who?!"Fareehah said but Hannan dashed away when mum shouted her name.
I went to the living room with Fara trailing behind me and when I saw the person and his family, everything went numb. I saw the room spin around and heard Fara gasp!

Dun dun dun!
Who is this family that made everything spin around for my Ayush???
Let's find out In the next chapter.
So sorry for not updating ,I know many of you were anticipating  but I fell asleep so this is a repayment!💖
And also I might not update for the next two weeks cuz of exam at school.
Bye , see you in the next chapter😘


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