chapter 32;Family dinner

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•|Fareehah •|  
   background song; reason_ Omah lay.

"I'm sorry"

   "It's time to eaaaaatttttt!!!!", Hamna announced loudly and I chuckled at what my mother in law said as I helped her up.
As we descended the stairs together, my phone beeped and I saw that it was an alarm that rings to tell  me daily schedule but since my dear husband has forbade me,I slid the alarm off and continued chatting with Mami.
We all settled on the dinning after Hamna, Aliyah(ya Mubarak's Wife), and I served everyone. I took my sit beside my husband which I tried to avoid and started eating.
" hmm-mm",my father in law cleared his throat, pausing his meal to make an announcement.
"We all have to be in Yola next month for Adam's wedding. The other informations would be passed to all", he said and I saw Hamna give her brother a teasing look.
Let me introduce you to the Ahmads.
Ya Mubarak– the first child married to Aliyah with a daughter; Eeman.
Bashir– my husband married to meeee!😂.
Adam–the to-be groom and the third child.
Hamna– the only girl, auta naa,and spoilt by her brothers.
" the lefe would be sent in three weeks. Aliyah and Fareehah, you both should come help me with it", Mami said and we both okay-ed.
"I'll tell you the exact date", she added just when my phone rang.
'Nurse Mimi'
Displayed the caller ID.
I hung it up and forced my attention back to the Convo but I couldn't. It's my work day and I'm absent without any information to my superiors.
The call came again which earned everyone's attention.
" I'm sorry, I have to pick this. Duty calls", I nervously said .
"It's okay, we understand", father in law said. I stepped out to the gazebo where the sun was just setting, Maghreb knocking on the door.
" yes Nurse Mimi ", I said immediately I picked up.
" ma'am! Where are you? It's an emergency!! All other surgeons are busy and it's a liitle kid, he has to be operated!!! ", she Ranted out.
" okay.. How serious is it? I'm on my way", I told her going up the flight of stairs to pick my bag.
"Very serious ma'am. We have done the first aid but looks like he has appendicitis!", she said as I got to the dinning.
" shit! He needs immediate opening up!!", I said and Hung up.
"It's an emergency and I'm sorry, I have to be there because to day is my day on normally.. I'm sorry Mami, father", I said
" it's okay—"
"Let someone drive you there or did you bring your ride?" Mami asked as I ran out.
"I'll take the driver!!", I yelled back as I heard footsteps coming behind me.
" wait!! ", I heard Bashir's voice and I did.
" please don't try to stop me. A little kid's chances of survival lies partly with me."I told him immediately.
"Stay safe", he surprisingly said and I just nodded before running to the closest car, the driver who was hanging around understood the assignment and sped off.
" Florescent view hospital, Garki",I told him and he nodded.
I arrived the hospital and ran but I couldn't properly because of my outfit so I had to manage. I'll surely be getting a query after this!.
Luckily, I saw Nurse Mimi on the hallway looking haggard.
"Nurse —"
"Thank god you are here doc!! Operation theatre 06!!", she directed and I nodded running off.


Just as we all rounded up the desert without Her, my phone rang and my eyes lit at the caller ID.

I slid the green button and placed the phone  into my ears about to leave the dinning since it was still a secret to all except Mubby.
" he's hospitalised sir!!!"
And that drained all the blood in my body, it drained my energy and I started going down to the floor until I hit the floor making a 'thump' sound did everyone's attention fall on me.
'Baba na!"
"Ya bee!!"
"Ya Ilahii!!"
"Bashir," Ya Mubarak called again, tapping my cheeks.
"Yu- y- yu- he- he is-- he - he is at the hospital!!",I managed to spurt out but only Ya Mubarak understood.
" what happened? "My Mom asked again.
" which hospital? "Ya Mubarak asked after Hamna gave me water.
" I don't know, let Me call her back ".
" who? ",
" will one of you ducking tell us what's going on?!!!!!!!",dad yelled and we all flinched.
"Who is hospitalised?" He added.
"Yu- Yusuf, my- my ", I stuttered.
" who's Yusuf!!?? "
"My son!!!!!!!", I replied and everyone fell silent.


Oya gawu oh gawu!
Shey you no see say I just drop gbedu ayyyy!!🎵🎵.

Na real gbedu be dis😜.

Heyyo peeps?!!

2023 is coming to an end!!
Dan Allah I need your prayers!!💟💝.

Put me in your prayers please💫😽.


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