chapter 13; unbelievable!

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Ayesha's POV
This is unbelievable!
My heartbeat wasn't normal.
I tried to rewind our conversation maybe he left an hint, but I couldn't recollect.
     I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, I turned around to face Fareehah.
"Sister, I know you are shocked and don't expect this but take heart because Allah(S.A.W) is the best of planner. Everyone has high hopes in you, hoping you would agree, father, mother, Alli and his families" she said. She gave me a reassuring smile and left.
     I looked back to the scene in front of me to see all eyes on me!!
"Assalam Alaykum" I greeted with a cracked voice.
"Wa Alaykum salam" they all chorused.
"Come my dear" mum said going to her room.
"Mum, why didn't you inform me ?"
" what could I do?, firstly they came unannounced, secondly, when we learnt what their aim was we couldn't send them back knowing who their son is."
" mum,how could this happen?, I mean—"
"— Ayesha, remember that 'we plan and he plans but Allah is the best of planners'. We haven't agreed yet,we told them that we needed your opinion so think properly"
"Mum,I can't think properly, my brain isn't working, every cell in my body is still"
"Take your time dear, I will just tell them that you would think about it huh?"
"Okay mum"
"You can do  istikhaarah(seeking Allah's counsel over a matter)"
"Yes mum" I replied and she left.
Some minute later, mum came back and told me they left and also handed me a bag saying Alli's mother gave me.
   I got to my room,sat comfortably on my bed and opened the bag. I found a letter and a box. I opened the letter and it read;
Dear Ayesha,
       I have heard a lot about you from Alli and my husband. I admire you even if I haven't seen you. I dream of you been my daughter-in-law.
   You might not accept immediately because I heard from your parent that you aren't planning on getting married soon.
I hope to see you become my daughter-in-law.
                                               ~ future

I showed the card to mum and dad.
"Mum,what's your suggestion on this matter?"
"My dear, we wouldn't have welcomed them if we knew he isn't good for you"
"Dear, we aren't forcing you into this,but we know what's best for you" father chirped in.
"Thank you umma and Abba, love you two😘"
"Silly girl"
"Yes Ayush!"
"Will you stop calling me that?!"
"Woah!, but YOU can call me Fara??"
"Do you ever complain about it????... No, so no offence, I will continue to call you that till eternity!"
"Then get ready to be called Ayush till you have grandchildren"
" jokes aside, what's the problem?"
"I never prepared for a proposal this early and that too from Alli, woah! I thought so many girls would be hooked on him"
"Sister you are too much,remember that 'small steps In the right direction can turn out to be the biggest step of your life'.
Allah has destined this, believe in qadar(destiny), Allah has destined everything in this life. All I ask for now is that you both are happily married" Fara said.
"Thank you, I hope everything turns out good"
"Me too"
"Coming! "
I have been hearing those two sentences for the past one hour.
I finally agreed to the proposal and Alli's family are coming today.
The house has been in choas since we were informed that they were coming.
I am presently in the kitchen and mom is either scolding me on the slightest mistake or telling me how to behave. Wait,why is she telling me how to behave?
And dad is playing the role of the time keeper'we have 40 minutes more'
'We have 35 minutes more'. Arghhh!!
"Ayesha, go get dressed!" Mum ordered
      I got to my room and I found my self thinking of my life. What will happen if I tell them I have agreed?!
    I believe In destiny (qadar). I believe that whatever Allah destines happen.
     I got dressed and sat in front of my vanity staring at my reflection in the mirror.
"Hey amariya" Fara said bursting in.
"Fara pls don't start another round of teasing"
"Oh what if I do?!" She asked wriggling her eyebrows
"Then I'm go—"
"Fareehah, didn't I tell you to bring Ayesha downstairs?" Mum asked bursting in
"Yes I was about to"
"They are here already"
"Huhmmm, brother - in-law will melt with this sight!" Hannan said on my way downstairs.
"Hannan, am coming back for you, just wait!" I said through gritted teeth


Alli's POV
The meeting  with Ayesha's family was scheduled today.
We arrived an hour later.
She agreed.  mum and I were grinning from ear to ear. They set the date for the wedding two months from now.
Father -in-law suggested that we get to know ourselves. We decided to go for a drive but of course with her mahram(someone you cannot get married to).
Hashim decided to be the mahram.
I waited for her and Hashim outside.

Assalam Alaykum beautiful people!
I am finally done with my exams and on holiday already. Allhamdullillah it was good.

Eid Mubarak in advance!
Stay safe
Stay positive!
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