chapter 22;First Fight.

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"Tesoro, tell me, did something happen?" I asked and his reply was silence.
I chose to keep shut as I watched him drive.
He parked the car and I got off taking my bag and went in straight to my room. I had a hot shower and cried afterwards.
After the  crying session, I moved down to make some açai bowls.
Who in this situation won't cry, I mean this was our first fight!
I made the açai finish and was going up the stairs when I suddenly felt dizzy and then I missed a step and darkness told the rest of the story.


I furiously yanked my shirt from my body as anger was still lacing my heart. I changed into my PJs and decided to go talk it out, I was not at all Fair. I checked her room but no sign of her, bathroom, no. I decided to check downstairs. As I got to the fifth-to the last stair, I saw her figure on the floor.
"Mon ceour!"
"Ayesha!" I called shaking her. I hurriedly took her to the nearest sofa and lied her in my lap. I sprinkled some water and cleaned her injured elbow.
"Tesoro!" She called.
"Yes,ma vie"
"Are you still mad at me?"
"No mon ceour!"
"What was your reason by the way?" She asked sitting up.
"I guess I was jealous you left me to talk to your so called fave"
"Oh  really, we were talking about Amirah actually"
"What about her?".
" salman likes her"
"Hmm, interesting!"
"I'm sorry Mon ceour!"
"I want a kiss not just sorry" she said pouting and I kissed her with all my heart.

•Wedding dinner•


"Alli let's leave already, the guests have been waiting since an hour ago" I reprimanded.
"Easy there tigress, don't you think you would trip with heels won?" He asked as he graced me with his presence.
"Nah, I'm queen of heels so shut tour crap"

Entering the hall as the paparazzi did their work, Alli entwined our hands and we made our way to our seat. I sighted my bride maid's cladded in bright red gown and red veil while I was in a sky blue wedding dress.

After games, dance and taking pictures, it was finally time to go home.
"Tomorrow will be fuun!" Alli muttered in my ears as the driver drove home
"What's tomorrow?"
"That's for me to know and for you to find out baby!"
"Cmon, please."
Next morning•


I figured out we were going for honeymoon but it is to 'that's for me to know and for you to find out' land.
We were currently on the private jet and watching a Korean movie with my hubby.
"I told you 'love alarm' is better than this 'descendants of the sun' " Alli ranted.
"Whatever, I'm paying back for not telling me where we are heading to"
And then the hostess announced;
"We will be landing in Jeddah in two minutes"
"Yeah, we are going for lesser hajj baby" he announced and I engulfed him in the most tightest hug. It had been my dream to go for hajj or umrah immediately after my wedding and allhamdullilah Alli just fulfilled them.
"I love you so much mi amoré" I said kissing Alli.
"Love you too Mon ceour"


We both got into our state of ihram as we got ready for our 'welcome'tawaf.
"Let's go" Alli said stretching his hands to me.

After much ibadah, we retired to our suit and got ready for tomorrow. We were going to Madinah and then Jeddah on the third day and I guess we are returning home.
"Ma vie, will you have shawarma?"
"Of course I will then I will call my beautiful iyali(family)- Hausa"


The serenity  i felt as the car entered Madinah.
I quickly took a picture and posted it on my Instagram story with the caption;peace.
After checking in our suit, the first thing we did was perform two rakahs of nafilah at masjid nabawiyy.
After that, we went to some historical site and had mad shopping since we were spending a day. Afterwards, we had chicken biryani and soda and fell into a slumber.

Hey peeps!
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My exams are done allhamdullilah.

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