chapter 26: addition

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"Doctor" mom panted out. A sob left my mouth while Alli pacified me.
Hannan, still in shock kept on trying her best to talk to Fara but it was all hopeless.
Our dear Fara was gonna be gone!
"Mom!" Fara called.

We all froze!

"Fara!" Hannan called.
"Mom, come on mum, I told you to reduce your Indian operas but it all fell in deaf ears and you Adda, you fell for it too and Hannan?, come on! I'm perfectly fine!" She rambled.

I blinked once, then twice then thrice.

"You silly girl!!,  how dare you play a stupid prank on an old lady?!" Hannan reprimanded.

"Fara, are you for real?" I asked.

"Of course Adda!"
"I gave birth to a stupid girl!" Mum finally said.
"I was here  worrying but......"

Two Days  later|

I got into the car and Alli shut the door, I and my sisters were all discharged today so I'm finally going home.
As the perfection of arts opened the driver's door and sat in, clipping his belt, I couldn't help but smile.
As be was about to turn in the ignition, my hands reflexively stopped his and I shook my head.

"I am pregnant Ak." I dropped the bombshell.
"Huh?.., I mean... What do you mean?"
"You are going  to be a Father Ak!!" I said.
"Ya rabb!, such great news on a blessed day!" Alli said rubbing his face and ruffling his hair.
"I love you   ma vie "


"Never thought I would be lost in someone's eyes until today"

I got lost into his eyes as soon as he muttered those words.

He inched towards me until he stopped at my lips and captured it unto his world of love and life.


"Babe, that's not healthy I guess" Ak sang in a teasing manner.
I glanced at the noodles bowl in my grasp and looked up at him.
"How so?"
"It contains no nutrient"
"Buzz off!" I swatted away.
"I'm serious babe!"
"Then...." I paused dropping the bowl of noodles.
"....get me unriped mango this instant!" I ordered.
"What?!, first, this is an ungodly hour of the night!, it is one-freaking-O'clock!, secondly, you are just in your 5th stage(month) and you are stressing me already."
" I'm stressing you? "
"Am I really stressing you?!" I asked with tears unknowingly glistering my eyes.
"No Ayesha, it is just that I'm really tired." He replied.
"You are really tired  that you can now call me 'Ayesha' comfortably instead of 'ma vie'!, are you that tired of me??"
"No, its not that, it's just —"
"Get my mango!"
"Babe, it's late and no one would have that!"
"I. Don't. Care. I. Just. Want. My. Mango.!" I seethed out.

"Babe, you done?" Asked Alli.
"Yeah" I replied and moved out of the closet.
"Ak?, don't you think I look wired with the bump?" I asked.
I got only s 'hmmm' as an answer.
"Ak?, Ak?, AK!?"
" where were you lost?! "
"What's bothering you?" I asked.
"You know I told you that kaka is back and wants to see us?"
"It is just that anytime kaka calls for a family meeting, it actually turns out dangerous."
"She is a puzzled old hag" he replied.
"Don't worry, all would be well" I assured.
But if  only I Knew what was bubbling up for me, I wouldn't  have reassured.


"Oh my gawd sister in-law, you are glowing!, the pregnancy suits you perfectly. The bump Is for you, you should be pregnant every single day!" Nailah, a cousin of Alli said.
"I tell her that everyday so...."
"Come, this is your first time here, I will show you around before kaka arrives" she offered.

I walked slowly walked  with her as she led me further into the exquisite mansion.
A woman dressed in yellow atamfa walked towards us, and I have to add that she looks so much like my husband. If I can recollect, she is one of his sisters.
"Ayyy!!, Ayesha!!"
"Hello sister in-law!"
"C'mon, would you keep addressing me formally?, just call me Mimi"
"Sure Adda Mimi."
"Good, you are glowing with the pregnancy!, come see mum before kaka comes with her rukcus!" She said.
I got overjoyed going to visit my mother in-law because she is the most kindhearted woman I have ever come across. I literally love her so much!

Arriving at her chambers, Adda Mimi and Nailah left me while I proceeded in.
"Assalam Alaykum"
"Wa Alaykum salam......ahahh, my daughter!,  how are you?, I heard the good news, hope you are not having a tough time?"
"Not at all mama"
"May Allah bless you and the child"
"Aameen mama"
"Hope you have been going for your check ups?"
"Hajia has arrived!" Interrupted us.
Mama sighed sadly as if a cursed day had arrived.
"Mama, what is the matter?"
"Nothing my child, it is just that any time kaka comes, trouble follows and considering that she missed your wedding, my child, I fear that she is coming for you."
"Fear not Mama, trust the Almighty, he shall take over the matters."
"Yes my child..... Let's go."


and my over caring mother in-law walked to the dinning hall where everyone assembled.
A step into the hall and a chilly breeze welcomed me warning me of the danger ahead.
"Assalam Alaykum" we greeted with my heads down.
Whispers of "Wa Alaykum salam" was heard.
Alli signaled me to sit on the empty chair beside him and I did with all eyes on me.
"Don't be scared, my grandmother us human not a monster." Alli whispered.
The chunking of cutleries took over the chilly silence and I raised my head up to take a glance at the 'queen of Khurana families'.
The said queen sat elegantly on a special chair by the beginning of the table and ate with an aura of chilliness. The people around her, stiff to their bones as If she were some scary monster.
She literally is though!

The sound of Kaka's spoon hitting the table got everyone's attention.
We all froze, waiting for her to talk.
Clearing her throat noisily, she started;
"Who are you?".
Realising that she was gazing at me, I gulped hard as everyone looked at me in pity, nervousness washing through.
" she is my wife, kaka " Alli rescued, sensing my fears.
"I guess she was blessed with mouth so....let her speak!"
"I am Ayesha Alli, Alli's wife." I finally said swallowing my fears.
"I don't think so"
"I don't think you are his wife"
"I, hajiyah Safinah Khurana don't think you are My grandson,Alli Khurana's wife!"
"You are not"
The hall fell silent, I gulped hardly and glanced at my husband.
"Mama, we all witnesses their wedding, she is a good lady from a reputable family" my father in-law intervened.
"NO!, "
"No!, I didn't witness the wedding and I decide who my grandson Will be betrothed to!"
"To not beat around the bush, I don't want you, Ayesha Alli to be his wife!" She Dropped the bomb.
"Kaka, she is pregnant already, it is too late" Alli said.
"It is never too late!"
"But kaka...."
"Mama, please reconsider" mother in-law begged.
"Have I ever reconsidered?"
"The decision is final!, he either divorce her or marry the Lady I want as the second wife."
"Kaka, you can't do that!, I'm not going to do that!" My husband protested.
"You are going to and that's final!" She yelled.
"Who is the Lady you want kaka?" Father in-law asked.
"Case closed!" The queen yelled.
And that's how I sat there, with hands on my bump, watching as matters of my life were decided.
I zoned out of the present and focused my thought in my unborn baby.
Divorce or second wife?

Everyone was happy about the first addition but the evil forces couldn't stand it and added another unwanted addition.

It's me again but with a long chapter!.
I'm really so happy I did this. Happy new year, may 2023 bring so many joy to us.
Word count: 1325.
Pls complement my efforts by voting and commenting.
Don't have much to say but here is a quote for y'all;
Be gentle like the summer breeze.
Be fierce like the winter storm.
In Short, be a dragonfly!.
Love y'all
Total word count; 1404

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