chapter 31;Bad days

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•|Fareehah •|

"I double dare you!"

The devil's back!

I quickly placed the warmers on the table and placed the dinnerwares beside it. I heard his footsteps go up the stairs and I shook my head in despair.
He just came in without bothering to check on me.
Courtesy demands that you greet or inform your partner when home but no! Not in my case!.
I went back to the kitchen to take the fruit salad and the tuwon masara I made to the table. I waited for him to come down by scrolling through my socials and when he did, the smell of his pleasant oud welcomed me.
"Welcome", I simply greeted and he nodded in reply. He pulled out a chair and sat then I served him. I turned around to leave after that.
" Fareehah ",he called and I stopped.
" sit and eat! ", he ordered.
" i ate already ", I said.
" don't try that next time. Couples eat together huh?", he said like he was talking to a 10years old.
Hello! I'm your wife!!.
"When did we become 'couples'?", I said, air-quotting.
" ever since we got married. Now be an obedient Lady and sit.", he said and I almost snorted.
"Listen here young Lady! I won't tolerate such disrespect!" He sassed and I rolled my eyes.
My anger built up and I stood up to leave.
"You don't walk out on me!", he roared in a husky voice.
I ignored him and continued walking.
" don't you dare me!! ", he said dangerously.
"I double dare you!!", I said back and went up the stairs and to my room.
I didn't fail to notice his scary facial expression.
You are dead, reehah!!
•|the next day •|

I picked my Coat from the hanger and hung it on my right arm, picked my raybans and car key and ran down the stairs to pick my water flask.
I have an emergency at the hospital and I have to be there!
" Nana, I'm going to the hospital for an emergency! ",I yelled to the part-time house keeper.
" yes ma'am ",she replied from the pantry where she was working.
"Where to?", came my husband's thick voice.
Gosh! Why is he home?.

To the hospital duhhhh! I mean you heard me tell someone now!!.
" I have an emergency ", I replied briefly.
" you can't go babes",he said
"Why?", i asked knitting my brows together in confusion.
" I want you to keep me company. I'm on leave because we are newly weds so should you. " he said and I rolled my eyes this time.
Yes, not almost!!
"I'm a doctor remember??!"
"So?? Aren't you meant to be given leave? Or you are making it obvious that we aren't 'that couple'?", he asked.
" I'm going to work the leave today but I have to be at the hospital now ", I said and turned around to leave, my heart beating eractically
" I'm not permitting you to leave", he said as I stepped out.
God! Ease his mind!

•|Sunday•| •|6:00PM•|

"Hey, my parents invited us over for dinner and it's my family tradition for every member of the family to be in attendance. Be ready in 30 minutes", came his text as I got out of the shower.
" but I have to be at the hospital ",i texted back.
" 30:58seconds ", came his reply and I snorted rubbing the bruise on my neck. That's what I get for going to the hospital when he clearly forbade me. Let's just say he was too angry when I got back the next day and he just threw hot coal from the turaren wuta on me which landed on my neck. That day, it was only a straw that pulled me from packing my things.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not weak but hitting your wife is extreme! Too extreme!!
How can you raise your hand and hit me? That means you are a beast! You can do worse for your mother!.
I sighed and called one of my colleague, Doctor Maryam that I wouldn't be able to make it then started dressing up.
I got dressed in a blue and red fitted skirt which hugged my hip curves not too much, the blouse hugged my rightful curves and was turtlenecked.
I did no make up except for Kohl, lip liner and lip gloss but applied concealer on my bruised neck to hide it. Then did my perfect headgear, red veil, blue Gucci bag which I stuffed with my essentials and finished up with my daily vanilla scent.
I had made cupcakes earlier so I told Nana to pack it up and place it in the car via the intercom then I descended the stairs.
"Let's go", he said not looking up from his phone.
He's dressed in a black kaftan that complimented his fair skin, his curly afro brown hair stuck out under his zannan bukar and his oud attracted me.
But he got no good qualities!
Hitting women?

We got to a vast mansion like building with two fountains adorning the front part along with beautiful shrubs.
'Ahmad's residence' was inscribed on the name plate.
Numerous cars were parked in the car space as if there was a ceremony. A maid came to usher me in as soon as i alighted not waiting for him and collected the box of cupcakes
" ya Fareehah!!! " , a voice yelled as I stepped in.
Hamna crashed me into a tight hug before freeing me
"Where is Ya bashir?" She asked and before I could reply, he appeared and snaked his hand around my waist.

"How do you do?", he asked her.
" great! Hope you are treating my sister well? "She asked
"So what about me? I ain't your brother?", he joked.
" cmon yaya! I'll take her to everyone! "
"Okay, stay safe for me", he said to me and pecked my cheeks. I swear that I froze for minutes.

His kiss lingered there on my cheeks for hours.....

Okay, I know its just a pretext!

Hamna pulled me along to introduce me and left me when I got to my mother in law, she pushed me in and left.
" Assalam Alaykum!"I greeted squatting.
"Haba Fareehah! Stand up my daughter! Wa Alaykum Salam!", she replied pulling me to sit beside her.

And in no time, we were chatting like old friends.
Wallah , she is so kind hearted and down to earth, I wonder where Bashir got his character from.

Any guy/man that raises his hand on females especially partner then he deserves to be sent to the jungle! He is a breast!!

Phew! Its been long guys! Like loooongggggg!
I promise it wasn't intentional. Just had a lot but Allhamdulilah!!
Those that thought I was dead, this is my ghost!😂.
Astagfirullah! May Allah elongate our lives upon goodness.

Your girl's birthday is in two days..
Kindly drop prayers in the comment section and my gift would be y'all voting and sharing for more reads.

It's been like a year??



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