chapter 10💙

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Ayesha's POV
"Yes me!,Assalam Alaykum" Alli greeted. I actually wasn't expecting the CEO of the famous Kally's  company to attend unofficial parties.
"I thought you are one of those 'workaholic' businessmen" I told him
"I am but not too much of a workaholic and besides,mum forced me here saying the groom is my cousin and I have to go and blah,blah" he explained.
"The groom is your cousin?!'I asked
" yeah,anyways, nice speech!"
We talked till it was time to serve the guests and then go home. A waiter came to serve us and then left. I excused myself and went to meet Tanzeela. I actually left 'cuz I Wanted him to eat and not be shy. Yeah,the guy is shy and media purpose. The media sees you with a hot guy and boom!,it on the news!.

The ceremony was over and I and Alli just bade farewell. I got to my car and ignited the engine but it won't! Ya Allah,what do I do?
I got down and looked at the cloudy sky. It was about to rain!.
I called my mechanic and gave him the address. Just then,a tinted Bentley stopped beside me and Alli came out.
"Assalam Alaykum"
"Wa Alaykum salam"
"What's wrong?" He asked
"Don't know,but it isn't starting and it is about to rain!" I replied
"Okay,come let me drop you home" he offered.
"No thank you, I have my mechanic on the way"
"I insist,the rain is about to start and before the mechanic arrives it would have started raining"
"Come on in" he added
"Thank you " I said getting in.
I gave him the address and he started driving.
          We got home an hour after.
"Thank you " I said opening the door.
"Ayesha,won't you wait a little,the rain is still pouring heavily"
"No thank you , I will call someone to bring me an umbrella" I replied dialing Fareehah's number. She picked after the third ring.
"Hello Fara, pls I am outside come get me with an umbrella"
  I spotted Fareehah coming so I thanked him then left.
" Assalam Alayki"
"Wa Alayki salam"
"Hope you didn't get drenched in the rain to much?" She asked
"Not really"
"So... Who's that guy that dropped you?"
"Oh! Alli Khanna"
"Ohk,people say the guy is hot is it true?"she asked
" oh yeah, he is truly 🔥"
"Oh,that means I will have a hot brother-in-law "
"What do you mean?"
"Oh nothing,you will understand when the time comes"
We got inside and I greeted my parents. I told mum and dad that Alli dropped me and father was like 'what a gentleman!'.
I went to my room,had a very hot shower and went downstairs to eat since I didn't eat at the party.

Assalam Alaykum beautiful people!
This is another chapter for you guys especially lumishar.
Thanks for your support.
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Jummah Mubarak🎉🌟


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