Chapter 38; Just a glimpse.

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wala(5,7,10) - Dystinct.

''thanks. shall we?'', I asked holding out my palm out for her to take in.

''sure'', came her soft reply and I found myself waiting for her hand to slide into my hand just to feel her touch.

and it came. oh! how soft her palm felt in mine and I almost, almost squeezed it in satisfaction and ecstasy.

I did this last with her.

all this.

and I must admit, I miss it. I'm glad I decided to do this and I hope I get better and exceed her expectations.

i guess that's just how i am generally. i love exceeding people's expectations, i love blowing their mind. even in my business deals, no one knows my damn move.

i led her to my black Audi R8 and with a press of the key fob, the door unlocked and i helped her in. i could see it clearly in her expression that my actions are surprising her and baffling her for someone who was behaving like an insane man in the first few weeks of our marriage. Honestly, i can explain myself but i know you all readers are scoffing right now.

you even hit her!

yeah i know and i'm deeply sorry for that. i promise that was my first and last time. i was just so frustrated with everything going on and she was the one that bore the brunt even though she wasn't meant to. but i'm still to blame if we analyze it properly because my parents only acted in my own interest. a year ago, they started pestering me to bring a lady home since they were not aware of Najm and his mom so i just kept dodging as i was still and is still not over Farhanah. then, boom! they set me up with Fareehah, sent the proposal and started planning the wedding. as someone who is still grieving and still not over his late lover, i got riled up but carried on with the wedding nevertheless because i couldn't disobey my parents. Then the fact that my bride was beautiful and i was attracted to her riled me up more because i was angry she was competing with my Farhanah. i made a foolish vow to make her life hell but i just couldn't do half of what i planned to do. then Najm happened with the operation stuff and her relationship with my son just warmed me up. it made me start seeing her differently. i always wanted to meet the doctor who my son is so much obssesed with and finding out it's my own wife just made me start thinking big. Then the talk with Ya Mubarak just added to my decision and i just decided to do it.

i am not over Farhanah but i'm trying to focus on my present and leave the past where it belongs.

if you all know how Farhanah was, you wouldn't want me to forget her, ever!

but we aren't going to that, i gotta focus on my date.

The car ride was silent except for the sound of the a/c blasting and the occassional robotic voice of the road navigator installed in my car. i glanced occasionally at her and smiled every time, wondering where her kind is from.

where did her beauty come from!?

her beauty is out of the world!

{ A/N; Dystinct's fans!! please read that part the way he said it!! let's connect in the comment, which of Dystinct's song is your favorite so far? mine; every thing but let me pick wala and tek tek.} at that moment, Farhanah's almond eyes flashed before me and my whole counternance changed. i gripped the steering wheel in anger at myself as to why i was feeling this. i fucking just want to live in the present and not worry about my clouded past.!

''anything wrong?'', her soft voice that sounded so musical to my ears pulled me out of my revrie.

''your mood just switched'', she added when i couldn't say anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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