chapter 15;pre-wedding rituals🎉

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Monday 5th September.
Kayan zance(gift ceremony)
8:30am. Ayesha's POV
"Ayesha, you sleepyhead,wake up!"I heard someone yell.
" whymustyouwakemeeeee!!!"I mumbled.
"Will you wake up!?,the groom's family will be here by 9:30,you have just one hour and besides, you are talking rubbish!" My cousin, Hidaya shouted.
I woke up unwillingly and got out of bed. My room was full to the brim. My cousins, aunts and friends were all present.
Introduction time!!
We have Hidaya who is older than me with 2months, Humairah,Habeebah,Hibbah,Halimah,Hafsoh,Hawwah(kulu),Haseebah,and the twins, Hanifa and Haifa.
All my cousins are h....
I have 6 maternal aunts and 7 paternal aunts and 2 uncles.
Anty Sumayya(the first followed by mum),anty Sa'adah,Anty Roheemah,Anty Zafirah,Anty zainab and Anty Hudaifah.
Paternal; Anty Aaminah,Anty Hannan,Anty Sabeehah,Anty Mahabbah,Anty Maryam, Aunt Fadilah and aunt Fauziya.
Uncles; uncle Mas'ud and Adam
Okay, enough introduction!
"Baby doll,you are going to get married and I am going to miss you, can't believe you will be a married woman in less than 5 days and you will finally join our group of married woman" Humairah said.
"Ewww,Married women!"

I got dressed into a blue jean and pink top. I'm meant to be in my attire but it's not as if I am participating in the ceremony so IDK why they want me in the outfit. I know if my aunts see me I will be dead.

"Innallillahi, Ayesha Alli!,why are you in this outfit when the groom's family are around!!" Aunt Aaminah said. I mentally rolled my eyes and told her with the little respect I have for her because she is my father's elder sister;"Anty Laraba(Aaminah), am not going to be present at the ceremony so there is no point wearing it"
"Okay but if some of the guests I brought request to see you what should i tell them Miss Ayesha Alli?"
"I don't wanna meet anyone!"
"Okay your Highness!"

With that, she left.
"Yesha,Aunt Mahabbah said we re' going on a 'girls day out!" Fareehah said.
"Okkk, let's go!"



We got home after Maghreb. It was fuun going out with the girls. We were able to do our shenanigans again!

"Na'am (yes)?"
Where were you through out the ceremony?"
"Aunt MBB took us for shopping"
"And a ceremony, your ceremony was taking place. At a point your grandmother was worried"
"Sorry father but I wasn't meant to be present anyways"
"Yeah I know. Your grandmother wanted to keep you company"
"OK, i will just go and see her"
"Let me come with you my princess"
"Father  I'm not a baby any more and I   thought kaka won't make it because of her monthly checkup"
"You will forever be my princess! And you know your kaka will surely make it"
I will really miss my Mr Zaid Alli sooo  freaking much!. He is my mentor, my hero, my prince in shining armour, he  is my everything!💖.
"Kaka, i thought you won't make it because of your checkup?"
"Oh come on, how will I miss my one and only Yesha's wedding?"
"Oh kaka, I lovvvvve you!"
"That's what you say ever since you were given  birth to"
"Kakaaa,I'm not a baby!"
"You are my baby!"
"I'm 26 years old fa!"
"Not bad!!!"


Tuesday 6th September.     10:00Am
Wuni\sa lalle-Henna ceremony.
"Ayesha, will you quit the blog you are watching, Hauwwah Indimi won't help you get ready" Anty Roheemah said.
"You guys should let me enjoy my life!"
"Just take it away from your zuchiya(mind) because you going to enjoy your life after this wedding" Hibbah said
"Kariye ne!(that's a lie)"
"Gaskiya ne! (It's the truth)!"
"Uff! Arguing with you is pointless!"
"Yeah whatever!!!"
"What's wrong Yesha?" Aunt sumayya asked
"Hibbah is getting on my nerves and aunt Roheemah collected my laptop.
" what were you doing?"
"Watching kulu's vlog "
"Were you meant to be watching kulu's vlog or get ready for wuni?"
"Okay, don't get angry"
"Now go to the bathroom!"
"OK,em, ina gidan waka?"
(Where is the bathroom)
Aunt Sumayya face palmed herself before saying; "kunar bar (turn left)"
"Na gode sosai (thank you so much)"
" Dakata!(stop),why are you disturbing my life by asking me where the bathroom is , this is your room?!!!"
"Just decided to play with your head a little" I said smiling mischievously.
"Tafi,tafi(go away, go away), waw nyarinya( senseless girl)!" She exclaimed and I laughed.

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