Chapter 37; ''Make Me Lose My Breath...''🎶

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*Abuja, Nigeria*

*water- Tyla {Acapella}*

I've got to pick Alli from the airport and I really hope Rizqah decides to stay calm just for the rest of this evening. or at least, till I get to the airport and back.

I put Rizqah in her car seat and she starts letting out a shrill, I sighed and removed the car seat, put it at the back seat and placed her on the passenger seat, ditching the belts because I know she won't stay still with it. I shut the door and heard I cry, thinking I'm leaving her in this unknown place and disappearing. she quiets down when I open the door to the driver seat of my Black Lexus and got in. I whispered my dhikr for leaving the house as I revved out of the compound, bidding the gate-keeper farewell and taking a sideways glance at Noor who was busy playing with my phone that I dropped in front of her. I watched her look at the device inquisitively and smiled proudly. I love my daughter and would do anything it takes for her to become a wonderful, successful lady in the future. I love her even though she took all of A.K's features, except the same round face and chubby cheeks I have, plus, hers is chubbier.

''Mama...'', she calls inaudibly.

''yes, Noor?'', I replied her as I switched the trafficator on to turn to the next lane.

she fell  silent after that except for the inaudible things she was muttering under her breath which I choose not to listen to and focus instead on the project file I'm mentally reviewing.

My phone starts ringing in Rizqah's grasps and I immediately know that it is Khadijah. I stretched out my hand to take the phone but she refuses to release it.

''I have a call, Noorie'', I told her sweetly as if she can understand.

I ended up collecting it forcefully from her and she let out a quite, small cry. I ignored it and slid the green button.

''AS Salam Alaykum, Ma'am'',

''wa alaykum salaam. what's the update?'', I asked her trying to be quick as Rizqah was already increasing the tempo of her shrill.

''I just got to the site now and no workers are here, no bricks, no sign of construction going on'', she reported and I furrowed my brows in shock and confusion.

''what do you mean? are you serious right now?''. I asked her trying to balance driving, listening to the tragic news she's telling me and hushing rizqah's cries.

''dead serious. if you are chanced, should I switch to Face-time? Mahmud is here with me'', she said and I just had to park at that point.

''okay'', I said and turned the engine off, my eyes grazing the time and calculating the remaining time left till Alli's plane lands.

''Noorie, come on! I'm here!'', I pacified but it only gave her the agility to continue. I handed her my shades that was in one of the mini compartments hoping it would make her busy and it did.
She reduced her cries, focusing on the shades while I went back to focusing on the call.
''nothing at all'', Khadijah said as she turns the camera around the empty stretch of land that had no sign of construction progress except for the bush/ grass they cleared.
I fell silent, watching what she is showing me and going down through my memory quickly. our contractors have never done something like this. dad wouldn't be happy to hear this.

''I just had a bad vibe about  that Mr Chris  ever since he was substituted six months ago!'', Khadijah exclaimed and my mind instantly went to that too.

''yeah! I have been meaning to tell you to do a search on him, I completely forgot!'', I said

'' The clients are coming in two days to check the progress of the site'', Khadijah informed and I let out an inaudible sigh.

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