chapter 27; I don't care!

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In life, some sacrifices are to be made.

I took my self to my ever- caring mother in-law's room and sat on the bed because I didn't know what else I could have done!.
The tears started dropping, my mind started clogging, my heart started closing but I knew that I had to live for my baby.

The tears fell freely and I didn't try to stop it.
Just when I was finally happy and assured that I and Ak were meant to be, everything came crushing Like a glass broken in thousands of pieces.

Someone entered the room and sat beside me. I didn't bother looking up.
Looking up at my mother in-law, the tears increased and I shook uncontrollably muttering incoherent words. "Mom, I swear I love him, I can't believe this is happening!, the pregnancy, Maimunah, every-fucking-thing!"
Pulling me into a tight embrace, she rocked me slowly then said;"you need to calm down and accept this as your fate! "
"Mom, he will get married to that woman right?, then what would happen to my child? I hate the mere concepts of polygamy".
" Hajiyah can never change her mind, accept fate..... Alli is coming to see you, to talk things out "
"I don't care who wants to see me, I just don't want to see anybody!!"
"Calm down/"
"Remember,  Allah doesn't burden a soul more than it can carry"
"Yes Mama"


I sauntered into Kaka's room 30 minutes after she gave the new order and after ya Muhammad, my Older brother told me to try to convince kaka.

"Kaka, you shouldn't be doing this. I love Ayesha and I don't plan on inviting problems to my life by marrying a second wife" I said sitting beside her on the  carpeted floor.
"Look Alli, you are my favourite grandchild and all I want is your happiness and satisfaction and I feel Maimunah will give you that".
"No kaka, my happiness lies with Ayesha not Maimunah and ..... I don't love Maimunah, she doesn't love me too, so kaka please!"
"You will learn to  love each other, I want my legitimate grandchildren from Maimunah."
"What!, what about my unborn child?"
"That is not my  concern. Your wedding will start next month. CASE CLOSED!!".

I sauntered out of her room and dejected.
I met ya Mimi outside waiting for me.
" were you able to convince her?"
"Not even an inch" I replied and went to my Mom's room were Ayesha was.
I met them in an embrace and Ayesha was sobbing. Mom noticed me and stood up to leave not before patting Ayesha's head and whispering something to her. She then turned to me, gave me a warning look and left.

I stood there not knowing  how to begin, fidgeting like a nervous man proposing to his to-be wife.
"Ak, you can Marry her if Kaka is adamant about it. I don't Care." she said looking everywhere but my face.
"Look at me Ayesha, I know you don't want that. I will try to convince kaka but for now,  I'm down, pls cheer me up"
She gave me an unsure look and I pouted.
"Let's see.....  How about a hug?"
"Naah, don't wanna crush my little butterfly in there." I truthfully said.
"A kiss would do then?"
"Yeah" I replied smiling proudly.
After our little kiss, she looked up to me and said; " Alli, I really don't care if you want to marry Maimunah. I have come to accept it has fate. I'm trying to increase my faith in good fate"


You have the right o speak your mind joonam."
"Don't pity me, this is about our future.
I will talk to Maimunah and see what she has to say".

'My faith in good fate' is a book by one of my favourite wattpad author. I felt that the name of the book was going to be perfect scene/dialogue.
Please check out her book.
••story continues ••

"Don't think about it too much, i will find a way out of this." I reassured.

I made my way out and went to talk to Maimunah.
I spotted her in the garden and was happy she was there and not with kaka.
To be honest, I saw Maimunah as one of my many younger sisters and talked to her as per brother-sister relationship.

" hey Mai!", I called her by the nickname everyone calls her.
"Hey, Ya Alli"
"I know you are here talk about the issue kaka brewed."
"I don't want to get married to you. I love someone else."

Heyy. I'm back with another shirr chappy!😕.
Hope you enjoyed.

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