Chapter 35; Be Mine.

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''be mine...''


''Mama!'', three years old Yusuf called excitedly as his father cradled him by his side. I took that as my moment to scrutinize both properly.  Yusuf is a shade fairer than his dad with a pointed nose so obvious on him at his young age and a curly hair I don't think he took from his father. I mean, Bashir's hair is curled but Yusuf's is extreme. He is in a crew neck sweater and black pants. I smiled when he got off his father and started running to where I stood.

''star'', I called him by the name he made me give him and opened my arms for him to jump into my embrace.

''baba said I should call you 'Mama''', he said in his tiny toddler voice.

star is not five, he is three but look at how sharp he is! Maa shaa Allah.

I glanced at Bashir as he came over to where we stood and he nodded, grinning widely.

''you can call me whatever you want, star'', I told him

''okay, let's do this. you call me star, I call you hewoweine. you call me something else, I call you Mama!'', he squeaked, and I chuckled.

''come on star! why are you so smart?'', I teased.

''I took your brains, hewoweine'', he said, and I smiled then pecked his cheeks.

''welcome home'', I said afterwards, and he glanced around.

''this is my new house baba? I love it!'', he exclaimed and got off me and started running around.

''careful Yusi, don't fall'', his father cautioned as he continued going around the house himself.

''thank you'', Bashir said to me

''what for?'', I asked

''welcoming Yusuf into your home'', he said, and I waved my hand in dismissal

''it's nothing''

I went to look for Star after that and told him to let's have breakfast and met Bashir typing away on his phone, waiting by the dinning. there is a lot I need to do in the house now, first, his room then now I need a highchair for him to sit at the dining and toddler books, toys, games and you know, kid stuff. but for today, I held him on my laps and dished out pancakes for Bashir with berries and vanilla syrup. He thanked me before digging in and I proceeded to do the same for Star. when I wanted to top it with the fruits and syrup, I asked him the one he preferred, and he answered with vanilla and bananas.

''he's allergic to strawberries too'', Bashir told me and I nodded.

like father like son.

''Mama, I don't eat strawberries too. do you eat them?'', he asked

''yes, I do, Najm'', I replied and he looked at me

''what's that mama?'', he asked 

''you said I could call you anything and you'd call me 'mama' right?''

''what does that mean?'', he smartly asked

''Najm? it means 'star'', I told him feeding him a forkful from the pancakes.

''hmmm! it's delicious mama!'', he exclaimed chewing it.

''really? let me have a bite then'', I said and took a bite

''it really is good!''

''what language is that, mama?'', he asked as I fed him another bite


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