chapter 34; Farhana bint Qaasim.

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Low background song:   *soweto*.-victony, Rema and others

"Our love produced him; Yusuf"

I took a sit on star's bed and waited for the story to start, deep down; not interested and just wanted to sleep.
Like! Cmon! I don't need some head- wrecking drama after a long, complicated operation and an awaited query!

'' First of all, I'm sorry for keeping this important issue from all of you but I just had to do it. I and Yusuf's Mom, Farhana met in London when I went for my masters and we fell in love. Her family were basically based in London so it wasn't hard for her to introduce me to them and soon we were talking about marriage. I told Ya Mubarak about her first and I was already planning to come home to tell you all about her when she revealed to me that she had limited time to live as she had cancer at the  last stage and she wanted us to get married immediately. I tried to delay it till I told you all but it was a dying person's last wish and I had to fulfil it. we got married and our love produced him; Yusuf and, I was just caught up in my web of heartbreak and decided to just bury it there.'', he Narrated gesturing to Yusuf who was perched on my laps when he spoke about him.

''so that's why you waited extra two years in London claiming you had something urgent?'', Mama asked and he nodded.

''where is she now?'', baba asked

''she's dead'', he muttered and I shut my eyes momentarily.

''I'd like to excuse myself now'', I told them politely and placed an already sleeping Yusuf on his bed then walked out of the ward. I found the nearest window and stood in front of it, repeating all he narrated in my mind.

first, I'm not over the fact that we wake up and boom! you have a child 

secondly, I'm finding out that you actually have a woman you love or loved, whatever!

How do you freaking want me to take it all in at once?!

I sighed and tried to calm my nerves by shutting my eyes, but Yusuf's face flashed in front of me, and I opened them back to meet a nurse standing in front of me.

''Mr Rashid calls for you Ma'am''

great! here comes my query. 


Luckily, my professor understood and overlooked me missing my shift and gave me the leave I asked for. I had just finished making Lunch for myself and Bashir even though I'm not sure he's going to come home because he has been at the hospital for the past two days and will be there till he gets discharged. But Doctor Maryam told me he'd be discharged today so I made enough lunch and I had made up my mind for whatever was going to happen. He didn't even come home because of fear of facing me I guess, but I'm cool about it. I mean, I adore Yusuf already so it's not a new thing accepting him plus I don't even care if he has feelings for her, I'm fine on my own.

Rabiatu {my help} left the kitchen to her quarters when I set the table and I left for my room to freshen up. As I stepped out of the bathroom, fully dressed, the doorbell rang and I had to descend to get it since Rabiatu wasn't inside. 

Bashir was by the door, holding some plastic bags filled with things. 

''Assalam Alaykum'', he greeted, his gaze everywhere but mine.

''wa alaykum Salam, welcome..... where is Star?'', I asked, and he went mute for some seconds.

''at home'', he simply replied

''home?'', I asked further.

''at his grandmother's'', he replied

''oh, but why not bring him here?  I'm totally cool with it, I don't mind'', I said and I saw the Suprise in his countenance. I overlooked that and told him that I made lunch nicely.

he freshened up and I served us lunch, respecting his decision that says I must not eat without him as we are 'couples'.  After lunch, I told him I wanted to call in an interior designer to change the look of the room beside mine so that it would be Star's and he looked at me in confusion.

''I'm really sorry i didn't tell you all this before we got married. I-''

''don't let us talk about that. I just want star to be here so that we both can escape the reality of our relationship, I don't mind how it's going'', I cut him off and he raked his curls with his fingers in frustration something I noticed he does often.

''actually, I want to give this a try'', he said

''please don't do something you don't want to, I'm totally fine with you still having feelings for her... let's just end this here'', I told him and went off to my room.  Afterwards,I got dressed in a black plain abaya and its matching veil then picked my keys to go visit Adda after getting permission from him, plus I'm going to an interior designer's office first.

I will be sincere, I'm happy, genuinely happy with star coming to live with me. I mean, it is still surreal that I'd be called mom but I'm ready in shaa Allah. If my marriage can't go well at least I have a child to keep me happy.

To think all these is happening in the third week of our marriage! lol.

*The Next Morning*

I spoke with Adda at length yesterday and she advised me greatly so let's say I'm a changed person. I got into the kitchen to make breakfast when I saw a sticky note on the refrigerator.

''sabahul khayr,

I stepped out to go get Yusi as you wished for.


damn! his handwriting is good!

A smile propped on my lips, and I happily made breakfast after that, wondering how star would take the news.

''wait, how would he tell him first?'', I wondered aloud and chuckled to myself.

Too bad, his room renovation and design would just begin today.

After my Istikhara two days ago, I just knew this is a good decision and I'm glad I adhered to the signs. I re-arranged the house myself after making breakfast then put up a 'welcome home' banner on the living room wall, burnt some turaren Wuta and placed it on the T.V stand. 

the doorbell rang when I was putting some artificial flowers into a bigger vase and a smile re-crept unto my lips. 

''we are home!'', Bashir called and I turned around to see 3-year-old Yusuf on his hips with a wide smile on his face.



Assalam Alaykum y'all! I'm deeply sorry for ghosting on you all, it's all school and some other issues.

I'll try my best from now onward to be consistent.

by the way, I want to start re editing this whole book because somethings sound cringe to me. 

growth? yeah.

to keep up with updates and connect with me;

follow my Instagram, I'm more active there.


and FZZA_XX.

i will be doing Wattpad book reviews too on my accounts so... 

love you all loads.


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