chapter 33;awestruck.

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PS: I ain't a medical student nor science related. Google helped me with some things and the treatments. But as per it is just a work of fiction, I will change some real life cure to how the storyline wants it.
Hope y'all get my point?


I dashed into the operation theatre only to see one of my favourite kid patients that I attend to regularly.


Gosh! This boy is handsome and so cute plus smart!! Maa Shaa Allah
My heart wrenched to see him laid weakly on the surgical bed.
Poor kid.

A nurse came to me and helped me into the surgical apron and I proceeded to begin, mentioning Allah's name first.

The operation became complicated after few minutes and we all started panicking.
"It's getting complicated ma'am!", Nurse Mimi said
" get the agreement document ready, I'll go talk to his guardian ", I said and left the theatre while the rest made sure he kept breathing.

I met his guardian, Mrs Bello and an unfamiliar face sat with her to comfort her.
" how is he Dr Fareehah?! " Mrs Bello asked
"The operation just got complicated and we'll need his parent's signature and permission." I told her
"I'm his grandmom, this is his aunt we'll sign it. We can't wait for his dad to get here", Mrs Bello said.
" no mami, he just called, he's almost here , we'll wait for him ", his aunt countered
" no problem then"I said just when Nurse Mimi came with the papers.
"Ohh, brother in law is here" his aunt said checking her phone.
"Go get him, hafsah", Mrs Bello said.
I sat by her and patted her gently when hafsah left to bring the Dad.
" Mama", I heard a familiar voice call. I turned to see Bashir.
Yes, my husband

"Bashir the doctor needs your signature for something. Please tell him doc", Mrs Bello said as we both stared at each other both in shock.
" is he the ......father? " I asked with a lump in my throat.
"Yes" hafsah replied.
I don't get what's happening!
This is my husband I'm seeing!
What is this implying?!!!

"OK. Mimi, the papers" I said snapping out of whatever and focusing on saving my cute favourite kid.
your husband's kid.
Your kid.
Whatever!! Save him first then will start sorting it out.
"We've got a complication and I'm sad to say it's a 50-50 chance. We'll need your signature to carry on" I said holding his gaze while he couldn't hold mine.
"If the patient dies, we won't be blamed but let's be prayerful" I told him as he nervously signed.
"Fareehah?!" Familiar voices called in shock and I turned to see my in laws standing in shock. They obviously came with him.
My mother in law, father in law ya Mubarak, Hamna, and Adam. The rest obviously stayed back.

"Are You the doctor treating him?" Mama asked and I nodded.
"We need to get back in, pray for him ma'am" I told them .
"Please save him doctor! Yusuf is in love with you already and he wants to be a doctor too when he grows up. Please do your best" Mrs Bello pleaded.
"We will ma'am. Please excuse us" I said and went back to the theatre .


All eyes fell on me as she left.
My family's boring gaze sent shivers down.
"This are my parents and siblings,Mami" I told my mother law.
"Ahhh. It's such a pity we are finally meeting on a bad occasion. I'm fadilah" Mami introduced and my mom reciprocated with a fake smile.
"I know Mubarak out of all of them -"
"So you are aware that he gave birth to your grandson?" Mom cut her off
"Yes. I know you all are shocked but we had to keep it a secret!" Mami said
"A secret? He didn't even tell his own Mom!!"
"Do you even know that his wife is the one treating him?!" Mom yelled.
"Mom let's keep it down, we'll talk about this later" ya Mubarak interfered as Dad shook his head and sat on the waiting chairs.
Kiya hakuri baba.
"Doctor Fareehah is your wife?" Hafsah asked me and I nodded.
I really don't have time for the drama that is about to sprout, all I want is my son alive and healthy.
"Doctor Fareehah has been his doctor for almost two years now, they are already attached to each other. So please whatever decision we are going to take, they can't be separated"Mami revealed.
This is shocking!
I sat and sighed, praying fervently for my Yusuf.
My beloved son.
Half an hour later, a nurse stepped out." Congratulations! The operation was successful! "
"Alhamdullilah!" We all praised.
"Can we see him?" Mami asked as I went down in prostration to Allah
Sajda shukr.

"Sure you can, but he is still unconscious."
"OK thanks" ya Mubarak said
"I'll lead you there".

We got to Yusuf's ward and I sat beside him caressing his hand while Mami patted His head.
My Yusuf💝
" when should he be awake?"hafsah asked
"The sedative should wear off in 30 minutes" the Nurse replied.
"Where is doctor Fareehah? We need to see her?"
"I'll inform her ma'am, please excuse me".

The nurse left and I felt my mum's hard gaze land on me.
" it's time for you to explain! ...... Because I don't know what you want us to tell Fareehah when we ourselves knew nothing! What should we say to our in laws?!! " mom rebuked.
"*sigh*, how old is he?" Dad asked calmly.
"Three", I replied
" how did it happen and don't tell me it's out of wedlock!" Father said and I swallowed.
"What??! You fornic-"
"No Mom! We were married" I cut her off.
"Where is she now?" Mom asked.
"Young man! Will you start narrating the story!!" My dad scolded and I flinched.
"Just wait, let your wife get here" mom said just when hafsah announced that he was waking up.
"Yusi" I called lovingly as I helped him up
"Dada" he called weakly lighting my face up with a smile.
" How do you feel honey?" Mami asked
"Do you feel any pain?" I added
"No. Did heroine treat me?" He asked and hafsah replied "yes she did".
" where is she?" He asked, his gaze sweeping across everyone in the room.
"Who is heroine?" I asked hafsah.
"Dr Fareehah. They both share a special bond, very loving to behold" she replied and I nodded as Yusuf asked,"who are you? "
"Hello yusi!-"
"Unchle M!" He exclaimed cutting mom off.
"Hey champ! You feeling good now?" He asked ruffling his curls.
"I feel gweat!", he said in his cute voice that pronounced 'r' as 'w'.
" these are grand mom and granddad and you have one more uncle and aunt!!" Ya Mubarak told him and his face lit up.
"Hey yusi. I'm going to be the best jidd to you" dad said and pinched his nose.
"What does that mean Dada?" He asked turning to me.
"It means grandfather. Call him Jidd" I told him
"And call her kaka just like you call Mami kaka" I added
"But I already have one kaka already?" He said with a pout.
"It's okay to have two" mom said and pecked him.
"I'm your coolest one and only aunt!!" Hamna sang kissing his hand dramatically.
"But I already have one!" He cried.
"Oops!! But having two doesn't hurt hmmm?" Hamna said just when Fareehah salamed and walked in.
"Hewowiene!!" Yusuf exclaimed as soon as he sighted her.
"Yes star", she replied matching His Happy mood. He opened his arms for a hug and she happily carried him with a twirl.
" evewyone! Dada, kaka one and two, jidd and aunties, this is my Hewowiene! I love her so much and I want to be like her when I grow up!!" He exclaimed and we all chuckled.
"That's what he keeps shouting" Mami said with a smile.
"You have too much energy for an hospitalised patient." Fareehah said putting him back in his bed and he pouts at her.
"Am I not your star?" Yusuf asked
"You are heroine's star alone!" She affirmed
"Then take me to all the wards like you and Nurse Mimi do" he said.
"No baby, you are still weak and just recovering, I promise to take you when you are strong!"
"Then give me water! You said if I drink plenty water, I will be strong"
"Yes but not now, just close your eyes and rest" she told him so lovingly you'd think they are related.
"I'm sorry for delaying you mom" she turned to my mom and said.
"Call her kaka , Hewowiene! Dada said she's my second kaka!" Yusuf cut in.
"Yes she is your kaka" she told him and faced mom back.
"Your husband has a big story to narrate to everyone on why he hid his son from his whole family!! Well except from Mubarak" mom said and I swallowed.
In front of her ?

Here comes the drama !<<<<<<3.


IG; fattoum__.x


1528 words.

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