Official Chapter 1

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"Beware; for I am fearless
and therefor powerful."
~ Mary Shelley

I listened to that song linked above the entire time I was writing this (which was a good two or three hours) so I figured I would show it to you guys. Let me know what you guys think. I've listened to it so many times I think I could recite it backwards.

Chapter 1
Beatrice's POV
"What's your name, little lady?" His alcohol drenched breath fanned my face as he pinned me against the wall.

I squirmed beneath him, baring my teeth like a wild animal. "I'm not interested."

He pouted playfully, twirling a strand of my hair around his crooked finger. "Oh come on, pretty lady, don't be a buzzkill."

I could barely hear him over the generic pop music blasting in the background. Despite being surrounded by a sea of sweaty teenagers, not a single person batted an eye in my direction. "I said I'm not interested." I repeated, firmer this time.

I hadn't wanted to come tonight but my brothers insisted on dragging me out of the house. 'You can't stay locked in the house forever, Beatrice' they had argued, as if this was any better.

The stranger quickly tested my patience as he trailed a finger down my arm. I gripped my book tighter in my hand, my jaw clenching.

My book, my usual safe haven, did little to comfort me at the moment as I took harsh breaths through my nose in an attempt to calm down. "I said I'm not interested." I pushed him away from me, the guy too drunk to refuse. He stumbled backwards, barely able to stay on his feet.

I spun on my heel, quickening my pace before he got a chance to run after me. His footsteps echoed behind me as he desperately attempted to gain my attention. "Come on! I was just playin'," he teased.

"Well then I guess it's unfortunate that I don't like playing games. Now leave me alone." I pushed my way through a large group of teenagers, the smell of body odor burning my nostrils. I clutched my book to my chest, holding it as tightly as possible. I smelled the inside of the book, the horrid stench of the atmosphere already infecting the pages.

The stranger managed to gain hold of my arm, spinning me around in his grip. He tugged my toward him, pressing me against his chest. I turned my face away from him in an attempt to gain some distance. "Look man, I've got a boyfriend." I lied, unless you counted the hundreds of fictional men I was currently in a committed relationship with.

"When did that ever stop anyone?" He pulled my chin towards him, forcing me to look at him.

His blue eyes covered in light mist as he attempted to focus on my face. I sighed, removing his arms from around me. "Look, I'm not a cheater, man, so please get away from me."

He followed after me despite my request. I desperately scanned the crowd for my one of my brothers, knowing full well that one glance at my eldest brother would scare the living daylights out of anyone. My fantic glanced did me no good as My brother was no where to be found. You have got to be kidding me.

I struggled to calm my breathing as I practically sprinted away from the guy, my chest squeezing as the walls closed in on me. Where is my brother?

The stranger managed to catch up to me again, his nostrils flared as glared me down. That's never a good sign.

I spun around, searching for anything that would help me. My eyes landed on a poor innocent bystander who was about to become a part of my horrible plan to get away from the relentless stranger. I quickened my pace, grabbing onto the bystanders arm. "There you are!" I gave him a queasy smile, begging that he would play along. "Babe, I've been looking everywhere for you."

It all started with a gameWhere stories live. Discover now