Chapter 25

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The truly scary thing about undiscovered lies is that they have a greater capacity to diminish us than exposed ones. They erode our strength, our self-esteem, our very foundation.
~Cheryl Hughes

Above is the character card for Sam and Athena from It All Started with a Deal. I hope you like it :)

Chapter 25
Beatrice's POV
I finished drying my hair, trying my best to hurry as Alexia would be here any minute.

Ryder and I slept for most of the day since we'd been up all night. It was really nice, getting to spend time with him like that. But that didn't make me feel any better about what I'd done to him, what I said to him. It made me sick to think about it. All the horrible things I said to him, they were eating at me. How could I do that to him? How could I hurt him like that? And to top it all off I kissed Kavinski, I cheated on Ryder and I kissed Kavinski. I've never even been interested in Kavinski, the guy makes me sick, he's a complete perv but I was angry and hurt and he was there and I just-

I lost control.

I'd been dying to tell Ryder, so then I could at least know if he would hate me for it but he didn't want to know and I couldn't hurt him like that again. I'd already done enough.

I laid down on the floor, trying to stretch out my body—completely sore from last night—before heading out to meet Alexia. She greeted me with her usual hug except this time I managed to loosen my body, partly because I was making progress and partly because it hurt to tense up my muscles. I haven't been this sore since we ran the mile in PE.

"I have so many things to tell you, Richard," she started the conversation.

I listened as she ranted about her horrid, horrid chem teacher who she swears is trying to kill her. Alexia paused mid sentence, narrowing her eyes on my butt.

My eyes slowly widened as I stared at my pants, trying to figure out if I had a rip or something. That would be embarrassing. "Why are you walking funny?" She questioned.

Oh goodness no. My cheeks instantly reddened as I stared at the ground. Alexia was no stranger to a dirty mind and understood what that look meant immediately. "Oh ew, Richard!" She practically screamed, gaining us a few curious stares from passersby.

"You asked!"

"With my brother?" She rested her hands on her knees. "I'm gonna hurl."

I covered my mouth to keep from laughing at the fact that Alexia was clearly scarred for life.

"The fact that my brother could make you sore enough to walk funny is just—" She gagged, unable to finish her sentence. She closed her eyes, mumbling under her breath. "It's not Ryder, it's Chris Hemsworth. Chris Hemsworth. Chris Hemsworth." She continued muttering his name until she was able to look at me. "Okay, I am picturing you with Chris Hemsworth so tell me about it before it registers that you're not dating Chris."

"Do you really want to know?" I couldn't blame her if she didn't. I wouldn't want to know if my brother was good in bed either.

She took a harsh breath through her nose. "Not really but this is normal girl talk so we have to talk about it. And I would want to talk about it if it were anyone other than my brother, so we have to talk about it. So how was it?"

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