Chapter 11.05

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Behind every beautiful thing, there's some kind of pain.
~bob dylan

First off, any guesses on the Aquarius? And second off this song is actually the song that inspired the upcoming story for Chase from It All Started with a Deal.

Chapter 11.05
Ryder's POV
I adjusted my chain, which had come untucked from my shirt after Mateo and I attempted to see who could do the most push-ups. I lost but only because Mateo kicked me to knock me down. I headed down the hall, searching for Beatrice who I was supposed to meet like I always did. It had become our usual routine: I would meet her by her locker and walk her to her car, although I guess today would be the last time.

Mateo must have ran me through what to say a million times. I think he's genuinely afraid I'm going to mess this up somehow. It seems like a pretty simple task to me: I just tell her I think we should end the game because it's obvious neither of us will catch feelings. A simple plan really. How could it go wrong?

I stopped in my path as Beatrice came into sight, standing at the end of the hall. She tilted her head back as she laughed, the corners of her eyes creasing. Some guy, who I'd never seen before, leaned against the locker in front of her.

Who is that?

She lightly pushed his shoulder as he said something else to make her laugh.

Who. Is. That?

I clenched my teeth, staring at the two of them.

Bloody Marx Jacobson.

He brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "So what is a pretty girl like you doing still being single?"

Single? Single. Is that what she told him? What am I?

She giggled, playing with the edges of her book. I couldn't hear her reply, or perhaps it was just that I didn't want to hear. Selective hearing.

Who does this guy think he is?

"You can never read too much. My collection of books must be the size of a library," he bragged in a sad attempt to impress her.

She smiled, gushing. "That would be a dream."

I'll buy her a bloody library if that's what she wants. She doesn't need this loser. I doubt he even has any good books.

"You should come over sometime, I'll show you."

My chest burned. Does she not see what he's doing? He clearly just wants to sleep with her.

He swung his arm around her shoulder. I could have ripped his arm off just for touching her. What does he think he's doing?

He smiled at her, "Come one, I'll walk you to your car, gorgeous."

I. Am. Going. To. Kill. Him.

I am going to kill him.

I am going to strangle him. Toss his body in the river. Gouge his eyes out.

I call her gorgeous. It's our thing. I call her gorgeous.

I didn't bother listening to her response as I stormed down the hall, brushing past her, my head pounding. Let Marx Jacobson walk her to her car. She clearly doesn't need me.

What does he have that I don't?

"Ryder?" She called after me, her little footsteps following me.

"What?" I gritted, spots flashing in my vision as I thoroughly debated killing Marx Jacobson.

"What are you doing?" She giggled, catching up to me.

"Heading home. What does it look like I'm doing?"

She stopped walking, struggling to find her words. "But," she paused, pointing to the main door and then looking back at me. "But aren't you going to-" she took a breath, trying to find the words. "You always walk me to my car."

I scoffed. "You have Marx Jacobson to do that for you."


Speak of the devil. Marx Jacobson popped his head around the corner, butting into the conversation. "That's, uh, that's me."

Beatrice turned to him, like I wasn't even here.
"I thought your name was max."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "No, it's Marx, but you can call me Max. It can be like a, um, like a nickname or somethin'."

A nickname? She doesn't need to give that loser a nickname.

"Were you asked?" I spat, glaring at Marx Jacobson.

His eyes widened, his skin blanching. "No, um, no, a, no sir." He turned to Beatrice. "Is this your boyfriend?"



Beatrice scowled, giving me a dirty look. "He is not my boyfriend."

"I might as well be if we're going to keep playing this stupid game." Who's idea was it anyway to play this thing? It was a stupid idea.

She rested her hands on her hips.

She's cute when she's angry.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"How am I going to get you to fall in love with me if you're flirting with every guy you meet?"

"Excuse me?" She raised her voice. It was the first time she'd ever truly raised her voice at me and man, was it terrifying. "You're the one who's sleeping with the whole school. I haven't had sex in almost two years. I am not the player here."

Marx Jacobson was practically trembling. Good, he should be uncomfortable after trying something like that. "Can I go now?" He begged.

"Yes!" We shouted simultaneously.

She whipped back around to face me. "You're the one who wanted to be non-exclusive."

I didn't take a second to think before I was yelling back at her, my breathing too harsh to get enough oxygen to my brain so that I could think properly. "Well, maybe I was wrong."

She froze, her voice lowing almost instantly. "What?"

"Maybe we should be exclusive," I repeated, not entirely sure of what I was saying.

She didn't hesitate. "Fine."

"Fine." I repeated. And after I finally managed to calm down, my eyes widened as our conversation registered. "Wait what?"

"Fine, let's be exclusive," she agreed.

"What about that guy?" I pointed to where Marx Jacobson had been standing before he ran off like a coward. What does she see in him?

Her eyebrows shot up. "That guy?" She followed where I had been pointing. "You are aware I have standards, right? That guy is like 5'4 and a freshman."

I'm 6'0 and a senior.

"You were flirting with him."

"I was being polite." She sighed. "Now are you going to walk me to my car or I do need to track down max-"

My lips curved up as she seemed to forget his name again. "Marx," I corrected.



Her nose scrunched up. "Marx? Like with an 'x'. Who names their kid Marx?" She paused, shaking her head. "That's not the point. Are you going to walk me to my car or do I need to find that kid to do it for you?"

I took a breath. "I'll walk you to your car."


Hi lovies!
I hope you are all having a good day!

How's the story so far? Do we feel like it's too rushed?

I had a lot of request in previous books to make more jealousy scenes so this was my attempt. Do we like it?

Lots of love,
Rachelle <3

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