Chapter 19

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I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.
~James Baldwin

So Klaus is our Aquarius :) I hope you all like the chapter

Chapter 19
Beatrice's POV
Alexia threw her arms around me. I stiffened, standing like a wood board while she hugged me. It wasn't that I didn't like being hugged, I just didn't know how to return the gesture. I tried once and then was so embarrassed that I didn't speak for a half hour. You would think after being greeted like that everyday for the last two weeks, I would have gotten used to it by now, but I had not. It had become routine, Alexia would come over to my place after school, always greet me with a hug, and then walk around my place like she lived here. Don't get me wrong, I loved how comfortable she was here, it made things a lot less stressful for me, I just didn't understand why she always wanted to come over. Did she like my house more than hers? It's not particularly homey, we don't even have all of our stuff unpacked yet. I don't know what she could possibly enjoy here, but I wasn't going to complain. It was nice to have company, even if I couldn't figure out what her motive was for coming here.

Tenshi refuses to come over, she says the smell makes her head hurt. I often wondered if it made Alexia's head hurt.

Alexia released me, smiling her bright smile as usual. "How are you feeling?"

"A lot better, the doctor cleared me." I'd gotten the staples out, and been cleared of my concussion. I went to the doctor for my last check this morning. Luna, my nurse and one of the sweetest people in the entire world, continuously asked me questions about my 'husband' and our 'wedding'. I didn't have the heart to tell her it was a lie, so I made up a make believe wedding, with everything I'd ever dreamed about as a kid. It was fun to pretend for a second that maybe it could be reality, but happily ever after only exist in the books.

Ryder and I haven't spoken in three weeks. I hadn't even seen him; we didn't have any classes together, which made it really easy to avoid him at school. He doesn't text me anymore either. The first week I was getting hundreds of texts, then they slowly tickled down the next week to maybe one or two texts a day, and then they became nothing, not a single text this week. I found myself constantly checking my phone, even when it didn't buzz, hoping that maybe, just maybe, I missed his message, that he had texted. I wanted him to text me, but I couldn't blame him for not. I wouldn't want to talk to me either if I saw what he did. Sometimes I wished I didn't have to see it either.

"Yay! Does this mean we can finally go out? I'm thinking of dancing, or an amusement park. Or we could go to this cute store in the mall, or the movies? Have you tried horseback riding? I've been dying to go out, I hate being cooped up inside all day; I don't know how you're surviving."

I never minded being inside. My books were enough of an escape for me. I frowned. "Then why didn't you go out?" She could have done any of those things instead of coming over to my house; she probably would have had more fun that way. I was not a very entertaining individual.

"I meant go with you, silly. So what are we thinking for today? I could show you the town. I mean I know you've been here a while but I bet there are still some pretty cool places I could show you." She continued her side of the discussion.

Meanwhile, I was hung up on her prior statement. She wanted to go with me? She waited three weeks just so she could go with me. Why would she do that?

"How about we go to the movies? There's this new movie that I really think you would like." She jumped in excitement. "We could go to dinner too! It could be like a girls' date. What do you think?"

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