Chapter 12

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Since I was young, I have always known this:
Life damages us, every one.
We can't escape that damage.
But now, I am also learning this:
We can be mended.
We mend each other
~Veronica Roth

Any guess on who's the second Sagittarius? Also that photo of the beach was taken by my best friend, isn't it gorgeous?

Chapter 12
Beatrice's POV
I groaned as Tenshi took out another lump of hair. She set the hairbrush down, my eyes widening as I stared at the mutilated chunks of my precious hair attached to it.

Okay, don't panic, don't panic. It's okay. It's okay. What's a little hair when it comes to having an friend?

Marley picked up the brush, frowning as she pulled out the large pile of coffee colored strains.

Don't. Panic.

Marley could clearly see the panic and terror written all over my face as I tried not to cry at the sight of my torn hair.

It's okay, Sonny can fix it later.

I took deep breaths as Tenshi reached for the scissors. Someone save me.

According to Tenshi, I needed a new look if I wanted any shot of getting Ryder to fall for me. I was too scared to say no when she pulled out the scissors and well, here we are.

I look like a plastic doll.

Marley had done the honors of doing my makeup, which started as nice and light and ended with bright red lipstick and a smokey eye. And don't get me wrong, Marley had talent, I looked flawless, like my skin was made of porcelain, but it most certainly was not me.

My outfit, even worse: skin tight, bright red, and my bra was currently stuffed with jelly pads to make them look bigger. Thankfully she said my butt was large enough to suffice. I don't know what she was planning to stuff it with if it wasn't and I don't think I ever want to know. And then there's the heels, the horrid, horrid heels. There are a lot of cases in which eight inches are nice but heels are not one of them. I'll be lucky if I don't end the night with a broken ankle.

But if it got Tenshi to like me, then I'd do it...well with a little help from my brothers.

"Tenshi, don't you think this is a little much," Marley, the sweet angel that she was, tried to save me.

Tenshi snipped off another lock, nearly giving me a heart attack. "You've seen the girls Ryder talks to. If she wants any shot she needs to spice up her look." Marley didn't even get a chance to get a word in before Tenshi started running me through the game plan.

And it was this moment that I realized I was in over my head.

"Alright, you're meeting his sister tonight, this is a big deal."

I nodded. I wasn't even aware he had a sister; he's never mentioned it before. But apparently she was ecstatic to meet me, so much so that she stole Ryder's phone to snatch my number and text me herself. Next thing I know we all have plans to meet up and Ryder is apologizing profusely for his sister. "How old is she anyway?" I wasn't sure if I should be expecting like a mature college student, a young little girl, a moody teenager...

"She's in our grade," Marley answered, elaborating after seeing the confusion on my face. "They're twins."

Twins. Ryder has a twin sister and I didn't know about it? I would have thought it was something he would have brought up, but then again he never seems too pleased to talk about himself.

A twin sister.

"So does she go to our school?" Surely I must have seen her around, right? It's a small school.

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