Chapter 8

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I've hidden memories in boxes inside my head before. Sometimes it's the only way to deal with things.
~Alice Feeney

Any guesses on whose the Scorpio of all the characters?

Chapter 8
Ryder's POV
"Stay still!" Beatrice laughed while trying to apply some sort of cold, sticky substance to my face. I had no idea what it was. She said it would be 'good for my skin' like I even knew what that meant. I had seen my sister use it before but had yet to figure out what the use was yet, all I knew is she looked pretty ridiculous with it on.

She glopped the purple goo on to my face. I grimaced, the feeling too unnatural to stay still. "What is this stuff?" I whined, trying to pull away again.

She had been sure to pin me in before even starting this process. At the moment, I was sitting on top of her bathroom counter while she used a step stool in an attempt to be able to stand in between my legs and still reach my face. The position left me with very few options to run, which I'm now starting to realize was her whole plan in the first place.

"It's a face mask, now stay still." She yanked my face back into her desired spot, managing to lob some of the goop on my eyebrow.

Why did I agree to let her do this again?

She smeared some across my nose, thoroughly coating my face. "Are we planning to rob a bank or something? Because if so I don't think this is going to be a good enough disguise."

She did not look amused as she started applying the same vile substance to her own face.

I had purposefully asked Beatrice to hang out in front of Tanaka in an attempt to make Tanaka mad. I never thought Tanaka would have made Beatrice say yes, I thought she hated me too much for that but clearly I was wrong because Tanaka was insisting that Beatrice would love to before Beatrice even got a chance to process the question. So here we are, and I'm currently regretting the decision because whatever she put on my face smells horrid.

"There, done!" She grinned, turning back around to face me.

I struggled not to laugh as she currently stared back at me looking like a troll, her whole face a nice shade of lavender.

She rested her hands on her hips. "Don't laugh, you don't look any better."

I always look better.

She handed me a mirror. My eyes widened as I stared at my own face which pretty much matched hers. "What did you do to my handsome face?" I joked.

"I fixed it. It looks better this way." She flicked my nose.

My head shot up.

Did she just—

I stared at her, not quite sure how to react. She acted like nothing had even happened, shuffling our mess we'd made into the cabinet.

Did she just flick my nose?

How am I supposed to respond to that? I mean what am I supposed to say?

She didn't seem to notice a thing. "Come on, let's show Sonny."

Ah, Sonny, the mastermind behind this horrid idea. He had insisted she try this out on me and I, clearly lacking brain cells, foolishly agreed.

She paraded me around the house like a new show car. Meanwhile, I was too busy staring at my surroundings to notice.

Her house was quaint and smelled throughly of citrus, though at that moment all I could smell was the chemical aroma of whatever was pasted onto my face.

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