Chapter 6. 1

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Equality means more than passing laws. The struggle is really won in the hearts and minds of the community, where it really counts.
~Barbara Gittings

I know it's a little late but happy pride month lovies!

Chapter 6.1
Beatrice's POV
"Hi," I finally greeted Ryder, after he managed to get rid of Tenshi.

Tenshi said she was okay with the whole game with Ryder but being in the same room as those two was the most stressful thing in the entire world. I still can't believe Tenshi is even talking to me, I thought she would have dropped me by now. I've been trying everything to get her to like me. I just need one friend, that's it.

"Hi." Ryder smiled, dropping his arm from my shoulders.

I traced my fingers over the title of my latest book, the action soothing as I tried to think of what to say. "Hi," I squeaked. 

I mentally facepalmed. You did not just say that. I tried desperately to find a response that would help me recover from a move like that but all I found were numerous messages screaming 'abort mission'.

I stumbled over my words with the grace of an infant giraffe. "That wasn't, I, well—" I groaned. "I didn't mean to say that!" I hid my face in my hands, my cheeks hotter than the sun. "You heard nothing!" I attempted to smooth over my mistake, wanting nothing more than to hide in my book.

"Didn't hear a word." The coy smile on his face told me otherwise.

I nodded, not believing him one bit. I swear if he ever brings that up, I'll slap that cocky smile right off his face. "What are you doing here anyway?" I questioned, wondering why in the world he was hanging around me if not just to annoy Tenshi.

He ran a hand through his hair, a habit he seemed to do frequently. "I came to spend time with you, I mean how else am I going to get you to fall in love." He teased.

I snickered, knowing full well there was no way he was going to succeed. I'm a reader, my standards are higher than Kavinski was that first night I met him. The only way he'd manage to get me to fall in love was if he was secretly my favorite book character in disguise, and unless he's the son of Poseidon, I doubt he'll have a shot. "You'd probably have an easier time getting me to like you if I spent less time with you." I joked, fairly certain that the more time I spent with him, the more I'd dislike him.

He wasn't phased by my comment. "Well, where's the fun in that? If I can't get you to fall helplessly in love with me, I can at least drive you insane." His face was innocent but his tone said otherwise. He poked my cheek like a child. I didn't hesitate to smack his hand away from me as hard as possible. He wasn't even moved by my attempt, pulling away his hand effortlessly like I had simply brushed him with a feather. Fine, next time I'll get Klaus to slap him.

My eyes widened as I remembered I was supposed to meet Klaus to give him the rundown of the book he was supposed to read for english, which he obviously didn't because getting Klaus to read was like getting Tenshi to say she loved all people no matter what.

Unluckily for Klaus, he has a test today over the first five chapters. "I've got to go meet my brother, so I'll be parting here unless you plan to tag along." I informed Ryder, running through the plot of the first few chapters in the back of my head.

I knew there was no way Ryder would want to tag along, Klaus had already informed me that he'd scared the daylights out of Ryder in some class the two have together. I stared him down, waiting to see if he dared.

"The one that's built like a gorilla?" He asked.

I deadpanned. "He's not shaped like a gorilla!" Sure, maybe he's got a lot of muscle but he's not shaped like a gorilla.

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