Chapter 4

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There is nothing scarier than loving someone.
~ Emily Henry

I got into my Spanish playlist today. And also I'm loving the aesthetic for Marley but that may be because I have an obsession to the beach.

Chapter 4
Beatrice POV
I flipped to the next page of my book, my arm looped with Klaus's to keep me from running into various objects as we walked around the hygiene aisle.

"Okay, now can you please explain what happened yesterday?" Sonny asked me for the hundredth time.

I set my book down. I hadn't gotten the courage to tell them yet. I had barely said anything to either of them since the party. I practically sprinted to the car and went mute for the entirety of the car ride and proceeded to sprint to my room afterwards and hide.

"I would also like to know," Klaus added, setting the shampoo in the cart and checking it off the shopping list.

The three of us went grocery shopping every Saturday to avoid having to go in the middle of the week. Now, normally, I didn't mind considering we kind of needed food so we didn't starve to death, but this morning I had wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed. I knew Sonny was going to ask about last night and I didn't particularly want to tell either of them. How do you explain that you got into a twisted game with the one person your first possible friend hates. And speaking of Tenshi, I hadn't spoken to her either. I'd been avoiding my phone all night, I'm not even sure where it is. I think I may have left it in the fridge by accident.

"She got locked in a room with a boy," Sonny informed Klaus, who knew absolutely nothing about last night aside from the fact that whatever it was, I was not happy about it.

Klaus grimaced. "Please tell me you at least used protection."

My cheeks heated up.

"You had sex?" Sonny practically shouted.

I slapped my hand over his mouth, trying to ignore the stares of the people around us. "Could you have said that any louder?" I sighed. "No, I did not sleep with him!"

Though, it may have been a better alternative to what actually happened. I glared at Klaus.

He raised his hands in defense. "Hey, he said you got locked in a room with a boy and you've been acting off all morning. What else was I supposed to think?"

I grumbled. "Not all of us are you, Klaus. We don't all try to sleep with most of the girls in town."

His eyebrow rose. "Who said I have to try? I mean have you looked at me?"

"Ew!" Sonny and I yelled simultaneously as we pushed Klaus around. He lets us rough him up, clearly not trying to defend himself or both Sonny and I would be on the ground in an instant.

Klaus smoothed down his hair. "Now, if you guys are done, will you please explain what happened?"

I angrily tossed  my conditioner into the cart. "I don't even know how it happened! One second he is making fun of my book and the next I'm defending it's honor by agreeing to play some messed up game with him."

"What kind of game?" Sonny questioned.

I didn't answer, grabbing the jar of scar removal cream off the shelf and adding it to the cart. Klaus checked it off the list. I had run out during the move but hadn't gotten a chance to buy more.

"Come on, it can't be that bad." Klaus tried to help. He stopped walking. "What kind of game?"

I took a breath, fiddling with the pages of my book. "First one to fall in love, loses."

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