Chapter 23

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I am a victim, I have no qualms with this word, only with the idea that it is all that I am.
~Chanel Miller

No one knows who Josie is but she shows up in Mateo's book so here is their couple aesthetic :) I hope you like it.

Also I'm sorry in advance for the chapter but I hope you enjoy it! I tried to make this one longer.

****TW: sexual assault and abuse****

Chapter 23
Beatrice's POV
"Absolutely not! No way." Ryder stared at me with wide eyes.

"Come on! It'll be fun." I patted the back of my bike, giving Ryder my best innocent smile.

"I am not getting on that thing." He pointed aggressively to my baby.

"It'll be fun!" I repeated before gently tugging on the collar of his jacket, pulling him closer to me. "Please?"

He was not at all affected by my attempts at flirting to get what I wanted. "No. I don't have a death wish."

I pouted, my bottom lip sticking out ever so slightly. "But it'll be fun. Come on, just once. That's it. One tiny lap around the block. We're not gonna die just going around the block."

"No! There is no way you are getting me to ride that, especially not when it's dark out." He stared at my precious baby like it was going to grow legs and kill him.

I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. "Please, for me." I pulled him closer, nuzzling my face beside him, which was usually enough to make him cave.

He let out a long sigh, looking over my face. "Fine. One time around the block. And Beatrice, if you try to leave the neighborhood, I will never forgive you."

I squealed, practically jumping on him before hopping on the motorcycle. "Let's go."

Ryder took a deep breath, sliding onto the seat behind me. He muttered something under his breath but I couldn't quite make it out. "Hold on tight," I instructed.

Ryder wrapped his arms around my waist. I started the engine, Ryder's entire body going taut. I pulled out of the driveway, Ryder's arms instantly tightening around me into a suffocating grip as I made it onto the street. He buried his head into the crook of my neck, holding onto me for dear life. I laughed, upping the speed only making Ryder more queasy. He was definitely about to throw up. Maybe I should slow down. I decreased my speed quickly, not seeming to help Ryder at all. He was glued in his spot with his eyes squeezed shut. He wasn't even speaking to yell at me for making him do this.

Normally, when you take someone on a motorcycle for the first time, they're terrified at the beginning, and then they quickly grow to love it. It's how I was with Klaus and how Sonny was with me. Ryder was not one of those people. He did not move a muscle for the entirety of the trip. I pulled back into the driveway, parking the bike in the garage and killing the engine.

Ryder still did not move and if he wasn't holding me so tightly I might have wondered if he was dead. "Ryder?"

He mumbled against my neck. "I hate you."

I tried to sit up, stuck in my place by Ryder's hold. "It wasn't that bad? Was it?"

"It was horrible." He's definitely going to throw up.

I pulled his arms away from me, spinning around so I could see his face. His entire body trembled. I cupped his face. "My goodness, you're shaking!" Poor baby. I didn't think it would be that bad.

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