Chapter 2.1

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Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.
~ Albert Camus

I found yet another song to listen to the entirety of writing this. But I will say it gave me some ideas for a further chapter ;)

Chapter 2.1
Beatrice's POV
I didn't bother grabbing lunch, too anxious to even try to get some food down.

Since Tenshi left within ten minutes of meeting me, I spent my whole day sitting underneath the gym bleachers, reading my book. I managed to dodge Klaus the one time he had appeared in the gym with Kavinski. I was too embarrassed to tell him I was spending the day escaping reality by the use of a book. I had a feeling that if he heard Tenshi had left me he would have marched right down to the principal's office and demanded they find someone new to show me around. That or he'd spend the day under the bleacher with me. Which was almost worse. This was his first day too. He should at least get to enjoy it instead of worrying about his little sister.

I fiddled with the edge of my book as I hesitantly made my way into the cafeteria. The chatter of the students filled the cafeteria pushing me back as I lingered in the doorway. People hustled their ways around the room, confined to their own little world with no room for me in them. My body shrunk in on itself. I stared down at my book, desperately wanting nothing more than to sit in the bathroom and read.

I can do this. For Klaus.

I took a hesitant step, keeping my head down and clutching my limbs inward as if I made myself appear small enough no one would notice my invading presence.

Tenshi didn't lie when she said she sat dead center of the room, directly underneath the sunroof. She stood out like a rose in a field of daisies, and she basked in the glory.

I let my hair fall in front of my face to shield me from the threatening stares as I headed towards her table. She sat alone, without a care in the world that she was all by herself. I stopped before entering her personal space bubble. She made no move to acknowledge me so I made no move to approach.

"What are you waiting for? An invitation?" Tenshi spoke without bothering to look at me.

I shook my head, scrambling to take a seat.

"Great. Now that you're here, let's get started." She finally looked at me. "First off, I eat lunch with my girlfriend. Yes, I'm gay, if you have a problem with that you can join the list of people that hate. Got it?"

The comment caught me off guard. I wished Sonny could have been as confident as she was. I sat up a bit straighter, quick to assure her that I had no problem with it all. Not in the slightest. "Oh no, I don't have a problem with that at all-"

She cut me off before I could even finish.  "Great, then you can avoid the list for now. The main thing you need to know about this place is that people suck, all of them. Don't trust anyone."

I nodded in response, staring at her with wide eyes. "That being said, some people suck a little less than others." She pointed to a group of students. They all sat at a circular table, laughing at something another person had said.

"Those kids, not terrible, as long as they like you."

I stared at the group, knowing full well I would never have the courage to talk to them.

"And then there are those kids over there," she pointed to a large group of boys, currently putting a various assortment of food into a clear container and trying to get the others to drink the horrid concoction. "They're annoying, I'd recommend avoiding them. Approach at your own risk."

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