Official Chapter 3

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"Loneliness, is a fire, which I hold close to my skin, to see how much pain I can stand, before running to the water."
~ Atticus

So if I link songs above or put chapter banners can you guys even see them? Because I usually can't but idk if it's just my phone.

Chapter 3
Beatrice's POV
Sonny finished adding the final touches to my outfit, hand sewn by him of course.

I glanced in the mirror. I could barely recognize myself. Sonny had said something about the color of eyeshadow accenting my blue eyes but I couldn't tell you what he meant. All I knew is for once, I didn't look half bad. I examined the outfit, glancing at the many sections of skin exposed. While Sonny had been sure to give me sleeves, per my request, the rest of my body was not so covered. "Don't you think it's a little too much skin?" I questioned, thinking about what father would have said if he'd seen me in this outfit.

Sonny knew exactly what I was thinking. "You look great."

I took this opportunity to make fun of my baby brother. I mean, after all, that is my job. "So do you," I sang. "Is there any particular reason you broke out your favorite outfit?"

Sonny scuffed his feet. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh really, so it wouldn't have anything to do with a certain tall brunette who's name starts with an M and ends in axon."

Sonny rolled his eyes. I gaped at him. "Don't roll your eyes at me, cakesniffer!"

Cakesniffer had been an inside joke between the three of us. I had read it in a book once when I was seven and ran around calling them cakesniffer for months until they finally decided to use my own insult against me. We've been using it ever since.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Maxon and I are just friends."

I wiggled my eyebrows. "Well, does this 'friend' happen to like boys?"

Sonny played with the hem of his shirt. "He may have mentioned something like that."

I made some high pitched squeal, mimicking some kind of bird, as I lightly pushed him around. "Sonny's got a boyfriend."

Sonny grabbed a random book off my shelf and threw it at my head, grumbling in reply. "Cakesniffer," he muttered under his breath as he rushed out of my room.

I took one last look in the mirror. I can do this. I looked at the book Sonny had thrown at me. I hadn't read it in years but I needed a book for the night to keep me calm and it seemed this was the one fate had picked. Who knows, maybe it'll bring me some luck.

I shoved it into my purse. Grabbing my pepper spray and chapstick along the way.

I met Sonny and Klaus in the hall, all three of us somehow getting conned into wearing a Sonny original outfit. Though you would have never guessed our outfits were sewn by a fourteen year old. "Ready?" Klaus asked before his eyes landed on the slight corner of the book that had found its way sticking out of my purse. "Is there any way we can leave the book at home?"

I shook my head like a child.

"Beatrice, you can't make friends if you're reading."

I picked up the book. "I just need it to hold. You know, in case I freak out."

Klaus nodded, letting the subject go, knowing full well that he got lucky to even get me to go to this party.

Sonny checked himself in every mirror we passed, just to make sure his outfit was perfect. I knew Sonny was particular but he'd never been this particular. "Sonny's got a boyfriend." I whispered as we passed the hall mirror.

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