Chapter 13

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You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.
~Jonathan Safran Foer

Do any of y'all have pets?

Also I love the song linked above I've had it on repeat, along with kitchen light by xana, for way too long.

Chapter 13
Beatrice's POV
A very chaotic Alexia swung the door open. "Hi!" She greeted, her cheeks flushed, her eyes wild, her kanines flashing from the great extent of her smile. A stand of her untamed hair fell across her eyes. "I'll be right back." She took off in a sprint, leaving me awkwardly standing in the archway.

I stepped inside the house, keeping a close stance to the door frame so as to not intrude, enclosing myself in the closest spot to the outside world I could.

A loud clatter of objects rang through the house, along with a groan from Ryder. "Alexia! What did you do to Estrella?" He shouted.

"That thing is vile!" She spat back.

Their footsteps rang out above me as they chased each other around the house like a pair of wild dogs.

Their voices faded off as they moved further into the household, their argument continuing out of earshot.

I rocked back and forth on the tiptoes, glancing around the house for something to stare at in an attempt to look occupied.

A soft, inhuman whimper drew my attention. I listened closer, the sound repeating itself. I checked over my shoulder, to ensure that no one else was in the room with me, before following the source of the sound, which was coming from one of the cupboards. I gently opened the door only to find a precious, snow white, cat trapped inside, with her head caught in a jar. "Poor thing," I whispered, gently petting her back. She had the most gorgeous coat I'd ever seen, like pure silk, not a single stain or blemish on her.

She hissed, her claw swiping out and tearing the cloth of my sleeves, barely nicking my skin. I pulled my hand back quickly. The poor kitty trembled in her spot. "It's okay," I coed, "I know you just did that because you're scared. I'd be scared too if I couldn't see anything."

I approached my hand towards her, trying to calm her enough that I could get her head out of the jar. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." I spoke softly, letting her familiarize herself with my touch.

She let out long, pain-stricken meows as I struggled to remove her head from the jar, but thankfully, it popped off without doing any real damage to her. "There we go, much better, no?" I smiled, picking her up gently.

She slumped into my arms, purring softly. "You're such a sweet little kitty, aren't you?" I scratched the tender spot under her chin, making her purr more.

"Where is she?" Ryder demanded, the twins stumbling down the staircase as one.

"I threw her in the washing machine!" Alexia proclaimed, not having yet seen me.

Ryder's eyes widened, the whole whites of his irises now visible. "Alexia! That will kill her." His entire body almost immediately began to tremble as he rushed in the opposite direction, to where I presume is the laundry room.

"Oh relax, I didn't start the washer," Alexia defended.

She rested against the wall, watching the doorway in which Ryder had fled, before poking at the tender, torn flesh on her arms, wincing slightly. "Vile creature," she muttered under her breath.

I glanced down at the soft green eyes of the precious kitten that rested in my arms. "Did you do that to her?" I kept my voice low so as to not alert Alexia of my watching presence.

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