Chapter 30

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The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.
Carl R. Rogers

Above is all the books for the game, this one, Mateo's story and Alexia's story.

Chapter 30
Beatrice's POV
I clutched my head, the subtle light streaming in from the windows suddenly blinding despite being barely visible. "Finally, you're awake," Sonny teased.

His voice was like nails on chalk board, scratching at the walls of my head. I let out a faint groan, closing my eyes. "Why are you so loud?"

"Because you're hungover," Klaus added.

Right. The party. Ryder. Ryder kissing another girl. Drinking. Lots and lots of drinking.

Ryder kissed another girl.

He's already moved on from me. Who could blame him? Good for him, he deserves better. But that didn't make it hurt any less.

I rolled my head to the side, staring at Klaus, who was laying beside me, Sonny draped across both of our legs. The three of us barely managed to fit on the bed, but we made it work. "How bad was it?" I whispered.

I'd never been drunk before, I'd never even drank aside from a couple sips of my dad's drinks when I was really little. I had no clue what kind of person I was when intoxicated. Was I the one that hooks up with all the guys, laughs way too much, cries too easily?

"You cried a lot," Sonny answered. "Mostly about Ryder."

Well that answers that question, the latter.

I rubbed my face. "Really?"

Klaus nodded, like he was truly traumatized by the event. I, on the other hand, did not remember a single thing. I remember trying to talk to Ryder. I remember some girl kissing him. I remember running to the bathroom to cry. I remember seeing another girl in the bathroom, also sobbing and chugging a bottle of vodka. I remember her offering it to me and I remember downing a good chunk of the bottle, then everything was a blur. I also vaguely remember there being a fight, and someone dancing but no clue who. "What happened, Beatrice?" Klaus questioned.

I didn't want to tell them, I couldn't. How was I supposed to tell them how weak I was? How could I look them in the eyes when I was such a disappointment. "Ryder kissed someone else."

Klaus's fist clenched, looking like he was about to jump out of bed and kill Ryder this instant. I took his hand, his knuckles red and slightly bruised. "What happened?" I examined his hand, one of his knuckles split clean open.

He shook his head. "Nothing major, got in a fight at school," he lied. Klaus was never a good liar but he also never lied if it wasn't to spare my feelings, so I didn't pry any further.

The nausea came over me like a wave, making my entire body ache. I squeezed my eyes shut, desperately trying to make it stop as my legs felt like they were literally about to fall off. Klaus chuckled, the sound booming in head. "Come on, let's get you an Advil, and some hangover food."

I nodded. "And sunglasses," I suggested as I looked at the small corner of light streaming in from the curtains.

Three pancakes, an omelet, and a smoothie later, and I still felt like absolute trash, mentally and physically. But Tenshi had decided she was going to come over today to discuss my breakup with Ryder, so crawling back to bed and letting myself rot was not an option.

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