Chapter 6

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We break ourselves to fit better into all the wrong hearts.
~ Laura Chouette

Ryder's POV
"Hi." I swung my arm around Beatrice's shoulders.

She jumped, her doe like eyes widening as she let out a squeak. My eyebrows shot up as I gave her an amused look, trying to contain my laughter.

Tanaka stood beside her, practically ready to bite my head off before I've even gotten a whole sentence out. "What are you doing here, Adam's?" Tanaka hissed.

I smirked, taking any opportunity to drive Tanaka insane. After all the pain she's put me through, she deserves it. I pulled Beatrice closer to me, the girl stiff as a board under my arm. "I just thought I'd spend a little time with my new friend over here."

Beatrice was ghost white, not saying a word as she let Tanaka and I hash it out. At least I didn't have to worry about her insisting I play nice with Tanaka, considering in some twisted way Tanaka was actually her friend.

"New friend? Don't play dumb Adam's. I know what you're doing."

"Whatever do you mean?" I put on the innocent act, one that never quite seemed to fit me.

She rolled her eyes grabbing Beatrice's arm to pull her away. I couldn't let that happen of course, I mean where would the fun be in that. "Hey, Tanaka, isn't that your little girlfriend over there, the one waving?"

Tanaka turned her head, scanning the crowd for Marley. How in the world those two are together, I have no idea. They're complete opposites, Marley's like a soft Teddy bear and Tanaka, well...isn't. That girl looks ready to murder the world of it weren't for Marley holding her leash.

Marley waved, calling Tanaka over who pretty much dropped to her knees at Marley's command. Marley had always been my go to when I wanted to brush Tanaka off. She was a big fan of peace and our bickering never pleased her. Marley did about anything to keep the two of us apart and stop our arguing and Tanaka would do anything Marley asked, well except for being nice to me of course. No one could ever convince Tanaka to do that, I mean after all I am the spawn on satan in her eyes. Who could expect her to be nice to me.

Tanaka didn't bother saying goodbye as she trailed over to Marley, leaving me alone with Beatrice.

What I was going to do with said alone time, I had no idea, but I was always a charmer with the ladies so it couldn't be that hard.

Beatrice's shoulders relaxed, the second Tanaka was out of sight, as she let out a long breath. She released her poor book, which had a nice set of claw marks imprinted in it by now. "Hi," she finally greeted me.

"Hi." I smiled, dropping my arm from her shoulders.

I had read—well, skimmed three pages but same difference, right?—one of those stupid romance books I had seen her carrying around. The book gave me no information on how to woo her after three pages and so into the trash it went. But I was fairly certain if I wanted any shot with her, I probably shouldn't tell her I threw away a book. I think that may get me exiled off the island.

"Hi," she repeated.

I stared at her, trying not to laugh. Did she really just—

Her face fell as she stuttered over her words, realizing what she had just said. "I didn't mean to say that!" She finally got a coherent sentence out. She groaned, her cheeks flushing as she buried her face in her hands. "You heard nothing!" She demanded.

I raised my hands in surrender. "Didn't hear a word."

Oh, I was never letting her live down from that. I mean that kind of performance is Oscar worthy, truly. Clearly with that kind of skill she'll have me tripping over her like a love sick puppy.

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