Chapter 7

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The wiser I get, the more I realize how much of a fool
~ William Earnest

So I ran of characters to do their aesthetics (except one but she hasn't appeared in the story yet) so I started doing the different characters birthdays and signs but I didn't put their names so if you guys have any guesses of who this birthday belongs to I'd love to hear your guesses.

Chapter 7
Beatrice's POV
I hadn't seen Ryder since our so-called date. I had to admit, it was kind of fun, though I'll never admit that to him. He'd probably find some way to use it against me in some attempt to win the game. I simply enjoyed watching him get more and more embarrassed with every new person that came to examine me. I swear by the end of the night he was as red as a beetroot.

I felt like I was on display the entire night, like I was some rare, exquisite art piece that had just been discovered and everyone wanted a chance to judge it from their own point of view. I couldn't tell a single thing any of them were thinking, but it was quite a different reaction from that of his mother. His mother might as well have told me I'm a failure and a bad influence who can only bring pain and suffering to her precious baby boy.

That whole night was a chaotic mess. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Kavinski and Ryder were brothers, well half brothers. They look nothing alike from hair color and texture to eye color and skin tone, from height and build to the way they act or speak. The two were practically polar opposite in both looks and personality. They didn't even have the same color eyes.

But oddly enough, that wasn't the most surprising part of the night. The most surprising part of the night was the look on Ryder's face when I hopped on Klaus's motorcycle. You would have thought I just told him I part-timed as a stripper. Definitely the best part of the night.

Overall, I'm not sure how I felt about the whole ordeal. It was weird, to say the least.

I hadn't told Tenshi a single thing involving Ryder, too scared that if I told her about it she'd go on one of her many 'Ryder is evil and must be destroyed' rants. I swear, everytime the topic of Ryder came up, she looked about ready to cut me off and never speak to me again. My only leverage at this point was the fact that the whole point of the game was that someone ends up hurt, and Tenshi is banking on that being Ryder. I felt terrible about the idea, playing with someone's feelings, but if it meant getting Tenshi to like me, then so be it. At least that way when I'm moping because I'm a horrible person, I can say I'm a horrible person who has a friend that isn't fictional.

I unlooped my arm with Klaus's, which I had been using to guide me as I read so that I could avoid ramming into a locker. I closed my book, not terribly paying attention to it, my thoughts preoccupied with last night's events. Sonny and I had crashed in Klaus's room last night after Sonny demanded all the details of my 'date' with Ryder. I must have spent at least an hour telling them every detail...well almost every detail. Though I had already told Klaus long before, I had skipped the part where that horrid girl made fun of Sonny. As far as Sonny was concerned, she attacked me, yelling about Ryder and I lost my temper and slugged her.

I said my goodbyes to Klaus and Sonny before heading to my next class. Sonny had at least made a friend: Maxon. The two hung out all the time, at this rate we'd never see Sonny again. Sonny swears the two of them are just friends but everyone can tell Maxon blatantly flirts with Sonny and Sonny is just oblivious to all of it, too stunned by the fact that a cute boy is talking to him.

As for Klaus, well he was an instant hit like suspected. Everyone loved him, he'd been invited to hang out every night this week so far. I, of course, wasn't supposed to know that, because he turned everyone down so that I wouldn't have to sit alone at home because I didn't have any plans, ever. He'd tried to keep it a secret so I wouldn't feel bad but I had overheard a hundred conversations about it and put two and two together. I hated that I was always the one that held him back.

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