Chapter 9.15

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The easiest lie for people to tell is the one that hides something they're ashamed of.
~Sean Aeon

The last character card so as per @badbitchimmasavage request I will make a character sheet after this :)

Chapter 9.15
Ryder's POV
I woke up to find Beatrice sprawled across the bed, her face flattened into a pillow. She took up about three fourths of the bed while I was crammed off to the last one fourth left.

I didn't move, trying my best not to wake her, and instead stared at the ceiling, trying to clear my head which had about a hundred thoughts running around in it. It really didn't help that my entire room now smelled like her. It really didn't help.

I gently pried myself up from the bed, before heading to the bathroom. I slid open the medicine cabinet, rummaging through it until I found the Tylenol.

About an hour ago when I first woke up, I had come to the grand conclusion that I must have a cold. Nausea, shortness of breath, sweaty palms, erratic heartbeat: probably a cold.

My phone buzzed in my hand, the caller ID reading Mateo's name.

"What's up?" I answered.

"How's it going?"

"Fine." I took a shot of the Tylenol.

"Uh oh, that's not a good sign. What happened?" Mateo pried.

"Nothing, it's going fine."

Mateo groaned. "Please tell me you didn't—"

"No! How many times do I have to tell you I didn't screw her?"

"Well," Mateo defended, "that was kind of your entire plan."

Fair enough. "No, the plan was to make Tanaka mad. We have yet to achieve that."

"Perhaps Beatrice was not the best way to get back at Tanaka," Mateo pointed out. "I mean when was the last time Tanaka cared about someone other than herself, and maybe her girlfriend."

He made a very good point. By the looks of it, Tanaka is just using Beatrice in an attempt to hurt me. Not too stellar of a plan on either side.

Mateo continued, "Look, I'm just saying. Tanaka's thinkin' you'll fall head over heels for Beatrice and get your heart broken, like she feels you deserve, and you're thinking her and Beatrice will become best friends and it will kill Tanaka to have her best friend near you. But what happens if neither of you like Beatrice?"

We really are horrible people. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Just as I'm about to reply the front door swings open, my sister singing loud, and horribly, enough to make a puppy cry.

"I was lying!" She sang, trying to hit the high note, not doing a stellar job.

"Man, I've got to go." I rushed out, trying to stop my sister before she could wake Beatrice. 

She smiled at me, clearly hungover. "Hi, Ryder!"

Now, unlike most people when they're hungover, my sister is not phased by loud noises and instead embraces them, which is never really a problem since I'm usually the only one home but at the moment, if she continues, she definitely will wake Beatrice.

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