Chapter 29

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You fell in love with a storm. Did you really think you would get out unscathed?
~Nikita Gill

Can we tell I'm running out of ideas for the chapter banners?
If anyone has suggestions, let me know.

Chapter 29
Ryder's POV
"Does this look okay?" Jessalyn asked, pulling out another outfit from the closet.

I lifted my head from the bed, glancing at the shirt and jeans that looked exactly the same as the last outfit she pulled out. "It looks fine."

Her lips drew into a line. "I need your help! I don't know what kind of stuff you wear to things like this."

"It's a party, you wear regular clothes."

"I wear a dress to school everyday! And not cute dresses, the ones that go past your knees."

She had a point. I'd seen what she'd worn to school. "Fine. If you want to get laid, wear the ripped jeans and find a shirt that shows off your cleavage."

Her face turned red the second the word cleavage left my mouth.

"And if you want to get laid you're gonna have to stop getting all uncomfortable the second someone mentions anything slightly sexual. I guarantee he'll be saying dirtier things to you."

"Right. I have to relax. You've said that before." She grabbed the jeans and found an old t-shirt that had been buried in the back of her closet. "This?"


I'd felt bad about completely embarrassing her the other night, and so I agreed to take her to a party and help her find a guy who could actually give her what she wanted. "Okay, cover your eyes," she demanded as she went to change.

I raised my eyebrow. "I've already seen you completely naked?"

She jumped for emphasis. "So? I can't change in front of you. You're a boy."

I sighed, doing as she said. I never understood that, Beatrice would do the same thing even after we had sex. I've already seen it all, what's the point of making me turn around? But she insisted so I always would.

"Okay, done. You can open your eyes now."

I did as told, looking her over. It was amazing how different she looked with just a change of clothes. "Lose the glasses."

She blinked. "But I can't see without glasses?"

"Neither can I, that's why they invented contacts." I'd seen her wear them before so I knew she had some.

She just stared at me, her face turning red again. I never thought I would meet someone who blushed more than Beatrice.

I stared at her. "I'm not telling you to ditch the glasses because they don't look good on you, I'm telling you to ditch them because sex and glasses don't mix well, and he'll probably try to take them off so if you want to see, you should wear contacts or you're not gonna have any idea what your doing." She already didn't know what she was doing but if all she could see was a giant blob, considering she's almost blind without glasses, it was going to be a lot more difficult for her. "You want to be comfortable and have fun, that means being able to see." Beatrice and I tried once with my glasses on. Needless to say, they kept slipping off and when we decided to get rid of them entirely, I kept bumping into her head and missing her lips because my depth perception is completely off without my glasses. It's worse than doing it in the dark.

I smiled, remembering the way she nearly fell off the couch because she was laughing so hard after I'd nearly knocked her out on accident.

Jessalyn frowned, giving me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you think about her."

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