Chapter 6.2

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The wiser I get, the more I realize how much of a fool I am.
~William Earnest

Chapter 6.2
Ryder's POV
The gorilla ran over to his little sister, checking the cut on her cheek, but her eyes were on me, a light tinge spreading over her cheeks as she locked eyes with me. This was the last place I'd ever expect to find her. 

She managed to pull her gaze away, swatting his hand. "I'm fine, Klaus." She insisted.

Klaus, that's the gorilla's name. I really thought he'd have a name like Jack, or like Danny, or something super cliche like that. Klaus was definitely not what I was expecting. The gorilla is more fitting.

"What happened?" He demanded.

I didn't get the chance to hear the rest of the conversation as the principal interrupted, though I was dying to know if she was the one who permanently damaged that girl's face. "Sit, now!" The principal pointed to an open seat, far away from Kavinski, who took the seat beside Beatrice.

And if he thought I was mad earlier, I was about to rip his head off for even thinking about sitting there, especially after what he tried at that party. My jaw clenched as I stared him down, gaining a smirk from him in return. I am going to kill him.

It didn't seem that I had to worry though as the gorilla looked about ready to murder the guy, slapping some common sense into Kavinski as he moved to a different spot, still too close to Beatrice for comfort.

I relaxed nevertheless, turning away from the world in an attempt to calm down, which isn't very easy when the principal is standing two feet in front of you telling you how horrible her life was to begin with before you decided to pull a little stunt like this.

The nurse silently called Beatrice in, not wanting to interrupt Ms. Principal lady's rant about her deadbeat ex-husband. Beatrice waddled away, Klaus in tow asking her a million questions which she answered quickly before earning a high five from the gorilla.

Man, that guy is terrifying.

The principal shuffled some papers on her desk. "Now Vivian," she addressed the girl holding an icepack to her face.

So that's her name. It still didn't ring bell, though I could have sworn I'd seen her somewhere,

"I called your mother. The nurse believes your nose is broken so she will be taking you to the hospital to get it looked at."

It took everything in me not to laugh. I couldn't believe Beatrice broke that girl's nose. Clearly, now I'm going to have to worry about her and her brother after I ditch her, though my plan is to have her hate me so much that she'll never want to see me again, not even to kick my butt.

The gorilla, on the other hand, I'll probably be spending my days hiding from. Guys tend to get a little heated when you sleep with their little sister, and even more angry when you never speak to her again afterwards.

"I have called all of your parental figures, they will be here soon."

My skin paled at the thought, my entire body tensing.

Kavinski clearly got a kick out of this. "Having problems over there, Adams? Afraid your precious little mommy is going to be upset."

I was already in trouble, how bad would it be if I slammed his head into a picture frame?

He clearly had no will to live. "I'm sure she'll love to hear about this new girl you've been hanging around with and what a great influence she is."

"You wouldn't dare." I gritted my teeth.

"I mean, who's mommy dearest going to believe, her delinquent son with anger issues or her perfect son who can do no wrong." He taunted.

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