Chapter 5

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I would have followed you
to hell and back...if only you'd lead me back.
~ranata suzuki

I'm not a fan of Maria but I love her aesthetic lol

Chapter 5
Beatrice's POV
"I'm sorry, you want me to do what?"

Tenshi didn't look the least bit playful, her tone stern. "Flirt with him."

I stared at the mildly attractive guy before us: tall, muscular, tan, definitely athletic and definitely out of my league. "Why?"

She took a bite of her frie. I had to say, mall food court fries were not a hit. "Look," she started, not caring that there was still food in her mouth, "you may have a nice body but it's hot going to be enough to get Ryder Adam's to fall in love with you. You need to be able to flirt."

"I know how to flirt." I do not know how to flirt but I mean, I've read about it in books, how hard could it be?

Nila choked on her drink at my words. "No offense but, when was the last time you flirted with a guy?"

I paused. "I flirted with this one guy who worked at the bookstore?" It came out as more of a question than a statement.

"And how did that go?"

I gnawed on my lip. "I mean, I got a discount."

"Flirting for personal benefit and flirting to get someone to like you are two different things." Tenshi informed me. "So yeah, maybe you know how to flirt so you can get books for free but flirting to land a date is a completely different task."

It is? They seemed the same to me. I mean it's still flirting.

"Now, go flirt with that guy."

I stared at the guy, slowly getting up from my seat. I can't believe I'm doing this. But I just wanted Tenshi to like me and if that means embarrassing myself in front of a bunch of people then so be it.

I took a deep breath, shoving my book as far down in my purse as possible. I've learned over the years the only guys who like bookworms are other bookworms or guys who think you read because it makes you look quirky and not as a form of escapism. And when they find out you carry a book with you everywhere you go, it's usually a turn-off.

The guy paid no attention to me as he scrolled through his phone. "Is this chair taken?" I questioned, my chest weighing down as it squeezed shut.

His head shot up, his rich, dark eyes locking with me. He looked me up and down, a gleam crossing his eyes. "It is now. Have a seat."

My arms instinctively wrapped around my waist, my fingernails digging into my skin as I hesitantly took a seat. He readjusted his baseball cap, an effortless smile overcoming his features. "So, what's your name?" He led the conversation with no trouble at all, meanwhile, I was struggling to remember to breathe.


He laughed, taking my general awkwardness for cute nervousness, which I guess I could work with temporarily until he got to know me. How in the world am I going to get Ryder to fall in love with me?

I mean, what was I thinking? 'First one to fall in love loses'. How stupid could I be? Of course Ryder was right, that stuff doesn't happen in real life. But it's too late now, under no circumstances am I letting Ryder freakin' Adams be right, even if it was the death of me. Which at this rate, it probably will be.

"I'm Nick." He took a bite of his food, pushing his plate towards me. "A pretty girl like you shouldn't go hungry, here you can have some of my fries."

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