Chapter 10

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I have poured my heart out...
And now I am empty.
~ranata suzuki

Any guesses on who is the cancer out of the group?

Chapter 10
Beatrice's POV
"How did it go?" Klaus questioned me, snatching my book from my hand.

And despite the fact that this man was a good nine inches taller than me, I still tried to beat him up in an attempt to honor my book, failing miserably.

"It was alright," I answered, knowing he was referring to my time with Ryder.

It was horrible to say the least. I have never been so embarrassed in my entire life. I mean for crying out loud, I was sobbing into his shirt. I am never going to live that down. He's never going to fall for me after seeing me like that. I mean who wants a girl with that much emotional baggage. It was like no matter how hard I tried to stop, the tears just kept on flowing. I have never had that bad of a breakdown, but then again I have never gone forty eight hours without sleep. Perfect timing for my mind to decide it hates me.

I was sobbing into his shirt. My goodness, could I have been more of a mess? This is why I don't have any friends.

"That's not a good sign," Sonny pipped in.

Klaus's eyebrow shot up. "Please tell me he didn't try to—"

"No! No, he didn't, not in the slightest." I still wasn't sure if I should be offended by that. I mean he had ample opportunity to make a move on me and did nothing. I can't figure out his strategy. I mean surely he must be trying to win, right?

I had heard of his reputation, all the girls he's slept with. I mean even his best friend warned me. He had plenty of chances to try to get me into bed with him and nothing, not a single thing.

I mean what's his problem? I'm attractive! There are plenty of guys that would love to sleep with me.

"You're not going to..." Sonny trailed off, not particularly wanting to speak the whole question.

"Absolutely not, I learned from the last time, believe me." My first time was with someone who didn't give a single care in the world about me. I wasn't going to make that mistake again. Never again was I going to satisfy a man's needs in an attempt to keep him from leaving.

"Good," Klaus replied like he wasn't with a different girl every night. He's one to talk.

"Why wouldn't you?" Sonny asked while setting something into the shopping cart. "I mean you know it's got be good, that guy looks like a sex god, plus he has experience."

I shoved Klaus the second he started laughing. This is not the conversation I want to be having with my little brother.

"Well, Sonny, if you want to sleep with him by all means, go ahead."

Sonny shoved me.

"How about neither of you sleep with him?" Klaus tired, clearly weirded out.

I snickered. "Ah man, if idda known it would have made you so uncomfy idda strip right then and there."

Klaus cringed. "Okay, moving on! Why was the night so horrible and if you make sex joke I'll hurt your book."

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