Official Chapter 2

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"From that time on, the world was hers for the reading. She would never be lonely again, never miss the lack of intimate friends. Books became her friends and there was one for every mood."
~ Betty Smith

Alright, so once again I listened to the same song on repeat for an hour while I wrote this so I tagged that song above. It has nothing to do with the story but...

Chapter 2
Beatrice's pov
I threw my clothes across my room as I scrambled around trying to find what I had lost.

"Beatrice! Sonny!" Klaus shouted from his room. "We have to hurry or we'll be late."

I threw everything off my desk one by one, searching desperately. Where is it?

There was a knock at my door frame. I shot my gaze towards the door, my hair falling in front of my eyes like a curtain, blocking my view. I blew it out of my face.

"Looking for this?" Klaus, my knight in shining armor, stood in my doorway holding what I had spent the last twenty minutes looking for.

"Yes!" I squealed, grabbing the pocket sized book from his hand before pulling him into a hug, my head not even close to reaching his shoulders. "Thank you." I tapped my feet in a sort of dance as I slid the mini book into my pocket.

If I wanted any shot of making it through the day, I was going to need my book. It was our first day of school. I hated being the new girl at school. You'd think after doing it so many times I'd be a master but you would be highly mistaken. If I have to eat one more lunch alone, I may just start crying.

Klaus looked as relaxed as ever. And I mean, why wouldn't he be? Klaus was sure to be a hit, everyone loved him. That's what made him Klaus. It's why he got invited to a party on his first day in a new town. He was the charismatic one. I swear if I had a dollar for every girl he charmed his way into bringing home, I'd be rich by now. Everyone loved him.

Me, on the other hand, I am not, never have been. My only friends were written on sheets of paper. But at least I can always take them with me everywhere I go.

I took a deep breath as Klaus and I headed towards Sonny's room.

Sonny threw his vest onto the floor as he frantically tried on another one. He shook his head, shrugging option number two off as well. "Sonny, we've got to head out soon." Klaus informed him, speaking lightly.

If I thought I was nervous for a new school, Sonny was having a panic attack. "I can't go," he determined. "I don't have anything to wear."

"Why don't you wear what you planned last night, with the blue crop top? That one looked nice." I suggested as Sonny discarded another outfit.

"I don't want to wear that one." Sonny snapped.

"But that's your favorite outfit," Klaus furrowed his eyebrows.

"Not anymore. It's ugly and I mean who even wears blue anymore." Sonny's eyes began to tear up as he turned away from us.

"Sonny," I rushed over to him but he kept his distance.

"Sonny, what's wrong? Why don't you want to wear that?" Klaus sat down on the bed with me and Sonny.

Sonny wiped his eyes. "What are people going to say when they see a boy in a crop top?"

Klaus and I knew this was coming, it had been inevitable. And despite knowing it was coming, I don't think either of us were prepared. Neither of us had ever had to experience what Sonny was going through. We didn't know what it felt like. But no one else was here to comfort him, so it was our job to do so.

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