Chapter 9.1

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He was both everything I could ever want...
And nothing I could ever have...
~ranata suzuki

I hate Nilambari's aesthetic card, it looks tacky. And honestly, I'm not sure she even appears in the book anymore after that one chapter but oh well
I hope you all enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 9.1
Ryder's POV
Sleeping on the floor is one of the most uncomfortable things in the entire world. At this point I've resorted to staring at the ceiling until eventually my body is forced to fall asleep.

Beatrice clearly hadn't been planning on sleeping much either—probably because of the excessive amount of caffeine in her system—and stayed up until four before she fell asleep accidentally, with her book lying on her face. I had attempted to move it away but that girl keeps her books under lock and key. I hadn't even touched it before her hand was flying out to smack me, all while still asleep might I add. Or at least I think she was asleep but I wouldn't be surprised if she'd planned it. That girl definitely seems to have a thing about hitting me.

I turned for the hundredth time tonight, readjusting my pillow. My alarm clock flashed 4:13 repeatedly as if yelling at me that it was time to go to sleep.

I glanced over to Beatrice, the only part of her peeking out of the blanket being her nose. I couldn't imagine how she was not burning up right now. I'm burning up enough as is and there isn't a blanket anywhere near me. I shifted in my spot again, finally finding a semi comfortable spot.

Beatrice stretched, her head popping out of the blanket, her eyes creased in pain as she proceeded to roll into a ball, burying her face in the pillow. She let out a soft whimper, her hands clenching the blanket.

I sat up in my spot as I watched her. She hadn't moved around this much the entire night, not even when she was awake.

Her entire body went still, a tear sliding down her cheek as she took harsh, raspy breaths.

"Beatrice?" I whispered.

She didn't answer, going completely silent.

"Beatrice?" I tried again, my voice softer than usual.

No answer.

She bolted up from her spot, panting as tears streamed down her face, before burying her head in the blanket.

"Beatrice?" My voice barely came out but yet still echoed across the silent room.

She stiffened, wiping her face quickly before turning to me. She attempted to stretch on a smile, failing miserably. "I thought you were asleep."

I shook my head, not entirely sure of what to say. I had never been good at comforting people. I had never been good with people in general. "Are you okay?"

Her lips quivered. "Yeah." She could barely get the word out before choking on her own tears. She covered her face with her hands. "I'm so sorry."

I was up from my spot on the floor in a second, kneeling beside the bed. "Hey," I murmured, "it's okay."

She laughed slightly, the sound almost hollow. "This is so embarrassing."

"No, it's not." I gently peeled her hands away from her face. She hesitantly let me but it only made her start to cry more.

She groaned loudly, as if annoyed with her body's reaction, immediately trying to cover her face back up with whatever was around her, dropping her head in shame. I sighed, crawling up onto the bed beside her. I pulled her to my chest, finding it a much easier way to comfort her than trying to figure what in the world to say that could make her feel any better.

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