Chapter 1 | "nice to meet you"

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"Morning boys!"

It was the first day of the second semester of Hwang Chaerin's senior year, and she was ready to make her last few months of college a great one. She had her closest friends by her side and she was ready to go.

"Hey, Chaerin." Yuta, her best friend, said with a wave. "You sure seem excited."

"Well yeah, 4 more months of this shit and then we're free!" She exclaimed, the four boys chuckling at her as they walked into the large building together.

"Yeah well a few months is still a long time."

"Always so negative, Doyoung," Kun playfully scolded. "I'm with Chaerin on this, think about how great it'll be once we're done."

"Yeah!" She said with a nod, high fiving the Chinese boy. "No one there to control us or tell us what to do, it'll be great! Total freedom at-"

"Chae!" All of them turned at the sound of a voice calling her, seeing a tall boy striding up to them.

"Oh, h-hi Hansol." She stuttered out, the cheery confidence fading from her voice.

"Hi babe." Hansol aggressively pulled her waist towards him, planting a kiss on her cheek. "I trust that you boys aren't trying anything with my girlfriend, right?" He growled out.

They just rolled their eyes at the tall boy.

"Hansol. For the last fucking time, calm down. You know that we're all just friends." Ten snapped in return.

"Yeah whatever." Hansol replied, turning back to look at Chaerin who was all but frozen on the spot. "Wait, what are you wearing?" He asked, surveying her outfit. "I told you to wear the red skirt, remember? God you can't do anything right."


"Yeah well just wear it tomorrow. I have to go now, but I have to talk to you later." The tall boy said with annoyance before stalking off.

"So much for total freedom, huh..." Doyoung muttered to her.

"Shut it, you demon bunny." She snapped, her fiery persona back again. "That's just how we are, alright? Leave it alone."

"Don't sweat it, Chae, let's get to class." Ten said with a smile, linking arms with her as they give of them waltzed down the hallway.

"You know we hate him, right?"

"Yes, Yuta, I know."

"Like really really hate him."

"I know."

"Like really really really-"

"Alright! I get it, shut up now before I smack you all the way back to Japan."

- - -

It was the end of the day when the boys saw Chaerin again, but this time they knew something had happened.

"Chaerin, you okay?" Yuta asked as the four of them approached the girl, sitting by herself on one of the benches in front of the school.

"Chae?" Doyoung prodded, Yuta getting no response from her.

"Hmm? Oh hi guys." She mumbled out sadly.

"What's wrong, Chae? Did something happen?" Kun asked, sitting down next to her. "Was it Hansol?"

She nodded, a deep frown on her face and distress filling her eyes.

"Oh of course it was him." Ten grumbled angrily, "what did he do this time?"

"Hansol just kicked me out of the apartment." She said sadly, the boys eyes widening in shock. "so I have no where to go."

"Did you two break up?" Kun asked, Chaerin not missing the hope in his voice.

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