Chapter 20 | "pull it off"

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She was back at school the following Monday, standing in the gym as decorations for prom were being set up. She scrutinized every detail as the students moved things around, her eyes flashing between decorations and her planning clipboard.

"Alright, put that table on the far end and put the fairy lights around the edge."

"That decal is tilted, straighten it out please."

"Don't forget that we need to leave space for the balloons there, don't put stuff too close together!"

"The flowers go there, make sure to put a mat down so they don't drip water everywhere."

Taeyong slowly strode into the room, his eyes scanning the room with a smile as all the students quickly moved around him. No one even took notice of him, all of them too focused on their own task as the room
slowly filled with flowers, lights, and decorations.

A smirk slowly made its way onto his face as he noticed a familiar figure standing in the middle, calling out directions and pointing at things with a clipboard in hand.

"Hey there, loves. I figured you'd be right in the middle of the chaos."

Chaerin turned at the sound of a voice, a small smile instinctively making its way onto her face.

"Taeyong? What are you doing here?" She asked, seeing the boy strolling up to her with a handsome grin.

"Just swinging by to pickup something from the school and thought I'd stop by to check up on what you were doing." He replied with a chuckle.

"Well, welcome to our soon to be night of romance."

"It looks very nice." He said with an approving nod, looking around the gym covered in unplugged lights, balloons, flowers, etc. "And, uh, who did all this, might I ask?"

"As a matter of fact, I did." She said with a proud smile. "You happen to be looking at the chair of the prom committee."

"I know."

Chaerin looked up and met his eyes as he said that, the two of them sharing a long look before she cleared her throat.

"Well, I'm glad you like it. It's been a month in the making and finally starting to come together, I- wait, the balloon arch goes on the other side by the sparkly background. That background is for the flower arch photos." She said, calling out to some students near her. "Sorry, I'm almost done here."

"Please, take your time, chairwoman Hwang, you're doing a great job." The two laughed at the title.

"Thanks, Taeyong." She said with a smile. "Did you Uh... by any chance want to take a look at the plans?" She asked shyly.

"Sure, let's see what you've been working on."

"Really?" She asked with wide eyes.

"Of course, why wouldn't I want to see what you've been working on?"

Taeyong saw the way her eyes lit up when he said that as she excitedly showed him her clipboard. He went to stand beside her as she pointed out all the details to him. It was clear she had put in a lot of effort and was very proud of it.

"It looks great, Chaerin. You've done an amazing job." He said approvingly. "You should be really proud."

"Yeah well, only if we can pull it off. So far it looks-"

"Chaerin! Let's go come on!"

Both of them turned at the sound of a loud voice calling to her across the gym.

"Oh, Hi Hansol." She said quietly as the tall boy approached her, his hand instinctively grabbing her waist and pulling her into him.

"Who's this guy?" He asked, surveying Taeyong up and down without a hint of fear, almost as if they had never met.

"Just a new friend." She replied quietly.

"Hmm alright, we'll let's go. I don't have a lot of time." Hansol grabbed her arm to drag her away.

"Where are you guys going?" Taeyong asked quickly.

"Oh, Hansol is taking me to the mall to go get my prom dress."

"Hey guys!"

They all turned as another tall boy approached with a smile.

"Johnny? What are you doing here?" She asked with a bright smile.

"Taeyong and I had to come pick up some stuff." He said, patting a large package under his arm. "Where are you heading off to?"

"Shopping for a prom dress." She replied, seeing the tall boy's eyes light up.

"At the Neo city mall?"


"Mind if we come?" Taeyong interjected. "Johnny and I have some shopping to do and we could drive you home after."

"I can drive her home" Hansol said lowly, a threatening glint in his eyes as he stared down the boys. "I'd like to see where she's been living anyway."

At that, Chaerin instantly looked at Taeyong, knowing it was a bad idea to expose the gang house. She met his eyes, the warning clear in them.

"It's fine, Hansol, it's kinda far from your dorm and they live closer to me anyway." She said quickly, waving off her boyfriend's offer and turning to the other two boys. "We'll meet you there."


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