Chapter 22 | "im pissed"

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Taeyong leaned against the doorframe of the practice room, a smirk on his face as he watched Chaerin spar against Jeno.

She was obviously frustrated about something, swinging at Jeno with full force to the point where even Taeyong could see how surprised the younger boy was.

Her moves were sharper, stronger. She obviously wasn't pulling her punches or trying to play nice, her emotions running high causing her to fight with a certain viscousness that made Taeyong smirk.

Jeno did his best to defend himself, not used to fighting her in her current state as he quickly tried to avoid her blows. The pair was running around the mat in a strange dance of anger and fear.

After a short spat, the match ended with a loud thud as Chaerin flipped Jeno over her shoulder and straight onto his back, the younger staring up at her with wide eyes. She breathes heavily, offering him a hand up as he continued to stare at her in shock.

"Jesus, what did I ever do to you?" Jeno mumbled, rubbing his sore shoulder. "And since when could you flip me?"

"Sorry, I'm in a mood. I get strong when I'm pissed." She replied, shooting him a quick apologetic glance before returning to her dark frown. "Let's go again."

"Um.... I don't really want-"

"Why don't you head upstairs, Jeno?" Taeyong called out, grabbing their attention. "I'll handle this."

Jeno shot the older boy a grateful glance, nodding his head and bolting upstairs, leaving the two of them alone. Taeyong smirked as he walked towards her, seeing the evident frustration on her face.

"Everything alright, loves?" He asked, passing her a bottle of water with a mix of amusement and concern in his eyes.

"No not really." She huffed out, taking a large gulp.

"Care to tell?"

"It's stupid it's just... ugh." She sighed, letting her arms flop at her sides in defeat. "Hansol just told me he isn't taking me to prom."

Taeyong's eyes widened in shock, all amusement and playfulness gone from his gaze and replaced with anger and confusion.

"But he's your boyfriend."

"Exactly! But he said he promised to take Eunbi which he doesn't want to break, so he feels like he has to take her which leaves me without a date." She groaned out, hurt and anger swirling in her eyes. "I already have that beautiful dress and I spent so much time planning this dance for the school and now I'm going to be the loser with no one to dance with at my own party because my boyfriend bailed."

"I'll go with you."

"You- what?" Chaerin's head snapped to the older boy, staring at him in shock as he simply smiled back at her.

"Let me take you to prom. I know I'm not your boyfriend but a pretty girl like you shouldn't have her night ruined just because she's dating an asshole." He huffed out.

"He's not an asshole." She replied quietly, causing the older boy to cock an eyebrow at her.

"Says the girl without a date the day before her prom." Taeyong smirked as he saw her shoulder drop in defeat. "But no more talking about him. What do you say? Will you let me take you?"

She stared at him for a moment, searching his eyes for any hint of joking or mischief but finding none. Instead, she was shocked to see that he actually seemed nervous.

"Fine." She said with a firm nod. "Don't forget my dress is-"

"Red, right? Don't worry, I'll match my tie."

She cocked an eyebrow as the smirk returned to his face.

"Just so you know, I will be expecting a corsage, and cheesy pictures, and stupid dances, boring conversations, annoying selfies-"

"Not a problem. I will gladly indulge in all your prom festivities. This is your night."

She let out a sigh, a genuine smile lighting up her face that made Taeyong's heart swell with happiness.

"Thanks, Tae."

"Of course. Now I believe you have a nail appointment to get to?"

She quickly looked down at her watch before staring up at him.

"How did you...?"

"Just because we're friends now doesn't mean I'm not still the leader of this gang. Of course I know your schedule." He replied with a chuckle, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Whatever, you creep. I have to go."

He watched as she quickly turned to the door, picking up her bag on the way.

"See you tomorrow, Chaerin, I look forward to our date."

She paused, turning back to look at him with a small smile before dipping her head and walking out.

She paused, turning back to look at him with a small smile before dipping her head and walking out

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