Chapter 24 | "choose you"

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Taeyong gently placed his arms on her waist as they swayed to the slow song, her arms clasped around his neck. He let out a sigh as Hansol and Eunbi waltzed past them, the tall boy sending a glare towards Taeyong on the way.

"You know, you could do so much better." He murmured to Chaerin.


"That boy. You're way out of his league."

She just let out a small sigh, staring up at him with a small shake of her head.

"Enough. We're happy together, he loves me."

"Really? It seems he's very..."

Taeyong trailed off once his eyes landed on the boy, his lips attached to Eunbi as he hungrily kissed at her neck. Taeyong felt panic rise in his throat as he glanced down at Chaerin. He quickly turned, steering their dance away so she that wouldn't see them.

"...engaged with his little girl toy. He hasn't spared you a single glance the whole time we've been here. Whereas I haven't been able to keep my eyes off of you."

"What do you mean?" She asked, staring up at him curiously.

"I mean, you're so stunning that I haven't even taken a glimpse at another girl. Why would I want to when I have you? It seems he doesn't even realize what a prize you are." She couldn't help but blush as Taeyong brushed a stray hair out of her face. "Don't you think you deserve better? Someone who will always pick you first? Someone who will only ever want to look at you?"

"Just so you're aware, I'm too smart to fall for your charms." She replied quickly, shaking off the feeling pulling at her from his words.

"Well that's exactly why I like you."

He watched as something in her eyes shifted, an almost clouded look passing through them before she blinked it away.

"Stop it Taeyong, what are you even talking about. He loves me, and I love him. And that's enough for me."

Taeyong let out a sigh, shaking his head as a slight chuckle left his lips.

"You think you love him, and that's fine. But just you wait. Someday, I'll show you what love really feels like."

Her eyes widened as he let her go, dipping his head to her and walking off the dance floor. Stunned for a moment, she quickly snapped out of it and ran after him, catching him in the hallway.

"Taeyong, what was that? What are you talking about?" She asked, grabbing his arm and spinning him around. "You and I- we're... I don't even know but I have a boyfriend and-"

"And you love him. He's the one you want to be with right now. And that's fine." Taeyong replied, cutting her off. "But I plan to be the one you want to be with for the rest of your life. The one you wake up to everyday. The reason behind your smile. And the last one you ever love."

Her eyes widened, unable to look away as his gaze compelled her in, a burning intensity that made her heart beat faster.


"Shh. Love him all you want. Let him treat you like dirt, that way when you wake up and realize what he's doing to you, you'll run to me." He said softly, running his thumb along her cheek. "Because someday, you will have a choice, and you'll realize where your heart truly lies.  It'll make you see your worth and how you should really be treated."

She couldn't stop the blush on her cheeks as he gently grasped her hand and intertwined their fingers.

"I'll choose you every single time, Chaerin. And when you finally come to me, you'll have all of my heart. Totally and completely. Until then, let's head back. You still have a prom to enjoy."

She was stunned by his words, unsure of how to respond but instead she just nodded her head and allowed him to lead her back into the room. Her mind spinning with so many thoughts that she couldn't even focus as he gently pulled her into his chest and swayed them across the dance floor.

 Her mind spinning with so many thoughts that she couldn't even focus as he gently pulled her into his chest and swayed them across the dance floor

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