Chapter 47 | "trust me"

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"Hansol? How are you here? Taeyong killed you." She exclaimed in shock as the man turned to face her.

She could feel all the blood drain from her face as Hansol took a step closer to her, fully in the light now as she could see him more clearly.

"Yeah he really should've checked to be sure I actually died, because here I am." He said with a smirk, seeing her shocked expression. "What he didn't tell you?"

"Excuse me?" She recoiled, confused as to what he was talking about.

"Oh that's hilarious. Your little lover boy has been hiding some things from you, it seems. Funny how you're the one who didn't know I was alive yet here we are." He chuckled out. "Woah woah woah sweetie lower the gun, I'm here to talk."

She didn't budge, her gun pointed straight at his chest with a hardened expression.

"You tried to kill me. You killed my family!" She yelled out.

"Ah that's all in the past. I've realize my mistakes now, and I miss you. I've realized how wrong I was and how right you and I were together. Please come back to me." He said softly, only causing her to be more confused than she already was. "I love you, Chaerin. I should've seen it earlier, but I love you."

Her jaw dropped. She was so shocked that she didn't even notice the rest of the gang running into the rooom, all abruptly stopping at the entrance as they watched what was going down in front of them.

"You were only dating me to get to them." She snarled out, her gun still pointed at his chest.

"It might have started that way, but things have changed. I love you, Chaerin, please. Give us another chance. I'm here for you right now, just come with me. Leave them and let us finally be together again. I promise to love you and treat you right and take care of you." He pleaded with her, his eyes softening as she slowly lowered her gun.

"You know, a while ago someone told me that someday I'd have a choice about who to run to. That I'd realize where my heart truly lies." She mumbled, thinking back to that night with Taeyong.

"It's with me, Chaerin, run to me. Trust me, we can still be together."

"My choice is clear, there's one person here who I'm ready to give my whole heart to, totally and completely." She said with a sigh, seeing Hansol holding his hand out to her. "and if you're so delusional to think that I'd ever pick you over Taeyong, you're sadly mistaken."

He recoiled at her words, drawing back his hand and straightening up. From the side, Taeyong couldn't help but smirk as he watched the whole ordeal.

"What? You bitch-"

"Save it. I'm sick of hearing you manipulate me and treat me like shit. You never loved me, and I never loved you. I loved the idea of who I thought you were. The person that other people told me you were." She spat out. "but I know what love is now. It's wild and chaotic but beautiful. It's seeing the good in the bad and finding comfort in violence and loving every part of someone no matter how crazy or dangerous it might be because they love you just the same back. It's something I could never feel for you."

"He doesn't love you, he's going to kill you!" Hansol yelled desperately.

"No. He would never, because he's not you. So at last, goodbye Hansol, I hope you rot in hell."

With that she raised her gun again and fired straight into his chest, killing him instantly as his body flopped to the ground. She let out a deep sigh, her muscles weakening from the stress of what just happened as she nearly collapsed to the ground.

She quickly felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her, Taeyong pulling her into a hug and holding her up.

"Hey hey it's alright, you okay?" He asked, gently cupping her cheeks. "You're safe, he's gone now."

Jaehyun quickly walked over to Hansol's body, shooting him a few more times for good measure to be sure he was really dead.

"You knew." She breathed out, finally processing all of Hansol's words. "You knew he was alive. That's why you did all of that."

Taeyong didn't respond, gently releasing her and looking at the ground. She was right. He lied to her, to all of them.

"Let's get out of here." Yuta said quickly, sensing the tension between the two of them. "Why don't you ride with me, Chaerin?"

She nodded, allowing the Japanese boy to throw his arm around her shoulder and lead her out of the room. Jaehyun and Johnny approached Taeyong, giving him reassuring pats on the back.

"I fucked up." The leader mumbled.

"Yeah you did." Jaehyun said with a sigh. "Why'd you lie? Not just to her, but to all of us?"

"I thought it was for the best. If I was the only one who knew... there was no chance of Chaerin finding out and getting worried." He said with a shake of his head. "Let's go home, I just hope I can fix this."

- - -

She sat in her room alone that night, thinking about everything that had just happened when a knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts.

"It's Yuta, can I come in?"

She let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, come on in."

Her door slowly opened and her best friend entered, going to sit next to her on the edge of her bed, waiting expectantly for her to talk.

"What should I do, Yuta? What should I say?"

"Well what do you want to say?"

"I want him to know that I'm mad. What he did, hiding all of that, especially that Hansol was alive? That's not okay with me." She said with a shake of her head.


"But it doesn't change how I feel about him."

Yuta sat back with a sigh, a soft smile on his face as he stared at her.

"You really love him, don't you?"

She paused before slowly nodding her head, looking up at her best friend.

"Then tell him that. Tell him that you're pissed about it snd that all the secrets hurt you, but through it all you still love him." Yuta replied softly, stroking her arm reassuringly. "He messed up but I know that in your heart, you've already forgiven him. I think you two kinda need each other."

She let out a sigh, already knowing that he was right. She was mad but not even close to mad enough to end things with him.

"I think you might be right." She chuckled as he pulled her into a hug. "Thanks, Yuta."

"Of course, what else are best friends for." He slowly released her and stood up from her bed. "You deserve peace, Chaerin. After all of this, you deserve happiness. So go to him. Let him love you."

Ahhh this story is almost done! One chapter left😫

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Ahhh this story is almost done! One chapter left😫

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