Chapter 39 | "follow me"

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"Hey Chaerin, where are you going?" Johnny asked as she walked into the kitchen the next morning, grabbing her keys as she went.

"Oh just to go and pick up some things from the store." She saw the panic on his face as he exchanged a nervous glance with Yuta.

"Oh uh... let us go with you!"

She cocked an eyebrow in confusion, sensing thr strange energy about the two of them.


"Because why not?" Yuta butted in quickly with an unconvincing smile.

"Um... it's just going to be a quick 10 minute trip. If you guys want something, I can pick it up too." She offered, her hand on the door handle.

"No we want to go with you. Please."

She looked back and fourth between the two of them before sighing, too tired to question them further on their strange behavior.

"Uh, alright. No problem, let's go."

- - -

Chaerin crept through the trees, gun in hand as they approached the mission location. She had eyes on the guards she was in charge of taking down when she heard footsteps behind her.

She instantly spun around, holding up her gun and pointing at whoever was following her, only to see Jaehyun and Doyoung standing there. She let out a breath of relief.

"Jesus, you guys scared me. What are you doing here? This isn't your post."

"Yes it is, we're with you for this mission." Jaehyun informed her.

"Since when? I'm always solo." She asked in confusion.

"Well not anymore." Doyoung huffed, waving off her questions and dragging her to the end of the forest.

She couldn't help but wonder why she needed a team all of a sudden. Or why the boys seemed to be acting so weird. Maybe it was just a dangerous mission or an off day. She shrugged to herself before focusing back in on the task at hand.

- - -

What she had thought was just temporary strange behavior from the boys ended up continuing for the rest of the week. Everywhere she went, one of them always tagged along, even when she just wanted to go for a walk out in their garden.

More than that, she could feel them watching her at all times. Every move she made, inside the house or outside, there were eyes always on her. Even in her room, she noticed a small camera setup by her door and window.

She waited for someone to tell her what was going on, Chaerin guessing that it was some top secret gang thing that she didn't have the authority to know about yet. It frustrates her slightly that they didn't trust her, but she figured it was for the best and that Taeyong must only want a small group of people to know.

That was until she started realizing that she was the only exception. There were multiple times that she'd gotten up in the middle of the night or early morning to find that all the boys were in some secret meeting, the door locked and sealed tight.

As this went on for the next week or so, she felt herself get increasingly angry at being left out of it all. Even Taeyong had been acting strange. He was always so busy all of a sudden, and whenever they did hang out, he was on edge. His eyes darted everywhere nervously and he insisted on always staying inside.

Now, she was walking through the garden, having snuck out of the house while the boys were training. She sighed to herself, enjoying the small taste of freedom she hadn't been getting recently as she was finally left alone for a few minutes.

Or so she thought.

It was only after a minute or so when she heard a familiar rustle of footsteps coming from behind her. Letting out s frustrated groan, she turned around to see Ten and Yuta trailing her.

At this point she'd had enough.

"Alright you two, start talking." She demanded, walking over to them. "Why are you following me?"

"We're not-"

"Don't even finish that sentence, Ten, yes you were." She growled, cutting him off. "Why were you following me? Actually, why is someone always following me? Why can't I go anywhere without being watched by you people?" She cried out in frustration.

Ten and Yuta exchanged a glance before the Japanese boy let out a sigh.

"Chae.... we've got to tell you something."

- - -

Taeyong's office door slammed open as Chaerin busted in, her eyes filled with rage.

"You gave an order to have people follow me?"

"You gave an order to have people follow me?"

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So... I fucked up and accidentally published this chapter without publishing the one before it... so pls go read 38 if you haven't, my bad!

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