Chapter 29 | "a party"

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"We did it bitch!"

She laughed as Yuta yelled and picked her up, spinning her in circles after they had thrown their caps into the air.

"Yes sir we did. College graduates!" She squealed excitedly.

"Congrats you two!" Kun said, running up to them with Doyoung snd Ten.

"You guys as well!"

They all embraced in a big group hug full of giggles and excited smiles.

"You did a great job with your valedictorian speech too, Chae, I nearly cried."

"Oh shut it." She groaned, shoving Doyoung in the shoulder. "But thank you, my hands were shaking the whole time."

"Well you did great. But now it's time for you to shake your ass on the dance floor because it's party time!" Ten called out. "Everyone's coming over to our place for the graduation party in two hours."

"Wait what?" Chaerin asked with an excited smile. "A party at home? With the whole school? Since when?"

"It's our graduation present to you guys."

They all turned to see Taeyong, Johnny, and Jaehyun walking up to them, holding their arms open for hugs.

"You guys literally just finished a mission and you're hosting a party for us?" Chaerin exclaimed as Jaehyun gave her a squeeze.

"Hey, don't underestimate me." Johnny joked, ruffling her hair. "I am an excellent party planner."

"Let's get going, we all need to get ready before the guests arrive." Taeyong said with a smile, offering Chaerin his arm.

She chuckled and linked hers with his, grabbing Yuta's arm on her other side as the 8 of them made their way off the floor to meet the other guys.

- - -

Chaerin flung open her room door, she only had an hour to get ready for the surprise party, and without being notified about it, she hadn't gone shopping and therefore had nothing to wear. She was mildly panicking but excited anyway.

Just as she was about to tear through her closet to find an outfit, she noticed something on her bed. She couldn't help but smile as she picked up the bouquet of roses, finding a note tied to them.

Hello, Loves. I know you probably don't have anything to wear, and though you look stunning in everything, I figured that I'd try to ease your panic a bit. I hope you like it.


She let out a sigh as she picked up the garment bag on her bed. How was it that he always knew exactly what to do?

She unzipped the bag and instantly her eyes lit up. It was a dress that she'd had her eye on for a few weeks but hadn't had the confidence to buy for herself.

It was a short black dress with a V-cut neckline, spaghetti straps and a tight bodice. The midriff was a layer of lace, showing off her toned stomach before the flowy, multi-layered skirt of glittery lace began.

With an excited smile, she ran to change, grabbing a matching pair of shoes on the way.

- - -

"Alright Miss Valedictorian, I see you with that dress, okay queen." Hendery hooted as she made her way down the stairs.

"Ooh and the heels? Yes I love it." Johnny said with an approving nod. "This fashion evaluator approves the look, that dress is perfect."

"Thanks guys." She said with a shy nod, meeting Taeyong's eyes.

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