Chapter 17 | "dont go"

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They all took her cue and scrambled out of the room, leaving her alone with Taeyong as she carefully got to her feet.

"What did I do to you, Taeyong?" She asked with a quiet sigh, her anger fading quickly to exhasperation.


"You're doing everything you possibly can to make me want to leave, aren't you? Why?"

He turned to look her up and down before fixing her with a cold gaze.

"Because I know you're not going to cut it."

"Excuse me?"

"You're not good enough for this."

"You're an ass." She scoffed out. "You don't know anything about me."

"Well if you hate me so much, then leave. Make both of our lives easier and leave."

"Would that really make you happy? Am I that much of a burden that you just want me to walk away?"

His eyes softened ever so slightly as he heard the hurt in her voice, his shoulder finally relaxing as he turned to her with a sigh.

"You're not a burden, Chaerin, I just..."

"Just what? Please tell me because I don't know what you want from me."

"I don't want this for you. You deserve better. You deserve to have a life."

Chaerin's expression shifted from exasperation to frustration as she processed what he had just said.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She yelled out. "You're saying that the reason you've decided to make my life a living hell in this house is because you're looking out for me? I didn't ask for that from you."

"No, you didn't, but I made the decision. I don't want you to end up like me."

"Like you?" She asked, stunned.

"Yeah, like me. A total monster who just kills and kills and kills."

"That's not going to happen. You made that choice, Taeyong, you let yourself be this way, I will not."

"It wasn't a choice."

"Yes it was. Even if you don't want to believe it, it was. None of the other guys are like you. Maybe it was to cope or maybe you were forced, but either way, you did this. And only you can change it if you want to."

She knew she struck a chord with him when his eyes shifted back to the dark anger she was used to.

"Dont start with that, don't try to change me, Chaerin, it won't work!"

"I'm not trying to change you! You don't need to change, okay?!"

Taeyong recoiled at her words, the anger fading from his eyes to be replaced with confusion.

"What? I'm a monster, Chaerin, how can you say that? You should despise me and all I do."

"I should, but I don't. Every time you kill someone, I want nothing more than to be so revolted that I just hate you and walk away and never spare you a second thought again. But I can't." She whispered out.

"It's who I am, Chaerin."

"I know. And I know you won't stop. But I'm still don't want to walk away from you. Walk away from all of this. Not because I have hope you'll change or because I intend to make you better. But because even with all of your violence, and anger, and impulses, I still feel something for this gang that won't let me turn away. And this gang includes you."

"Why?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"Because I can't help but see the good in you. To believe that you could be so much more. You could've killed me or let me die. Multiple times. But you didn't. You're hard on the guys but you work your ass off to make sure they're trained to survive, and you only send us on missions to protect the city from criminals. You're harsh and cruel, but your intentions are good."

He looked away from her. It was like his whole world was changing around him. He had never heard someone talk to him like that. To believe in him.

"Look, don't pretend to know me or what I'm capable of." She sighed out, straightening up as he looked at her again. "You know nothing about me, you've taken zero time to even try, but if you really think I'm that hopeless, if you really want me to go, I'll go. And you'll never see me again."

The two stared at one another, neither breaking eye contact for a moment before Chaerin let out a sigh. She turned and walked towards the door, but just as she passed him, he gently gripped onto her arm.

"Wait." He said quietly. "Stay. Please, don't go."

She sighed, not facing him as the smallest shadow of a smile appeared on her face.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

At her words, he released her arm, a confusing mix of emotions swirling through his mind as he heard her footsteps fade.

- - -

Chaerin sighed as she opened the door to her room after having been checked out by Taeil. The day had been exhausting and she wanted nothing more than to collapse on her bed. As she approached her bed, however, she was surprised to see something on it.

A bouquet of roses.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she picked up the beautiful flowers, noticing a small note tied to them. She quickly put down the flowers and opened the note.

I apologize for how I've treated you, and you're right that I haven't taken the time to get to know you, I hope you'll give me that chance.

Also, thank you. Thank you for being honest with me and thank you for staying, for believing in me. I'd like to start over if you'd let me try.


A smile spread on her face as she saw his signature, nodding her head slowly as she observed the flowers once again.

- - -

When Taeyong entered his room, he immediately could tell something was off, but what he didn't know. He quickly looked around, searching for anything out of place before he noticed a small red flower on his pillow.

He picked it up, smirking to himself as he noticed a note attacked to the stem.

Here's to fresh starts. Hi, I'm Hwang Chaerin, let's be friends, hmm?


He felt his heart beat faster as he reread the note, nodding his head with an amused chuckle before getting ready for the night, setting the rose next to his bed.

He felt his heart beat faster as he reread the note, nodding his head with an amused chuckle before getting ready for the night, setting the rose next to his bed

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This story is about to take a turn 😳

Side note: I hope you're liking this story because it's def gonna be a long one. I already have a ton of ideas that I want to incorporate into the plot down the road so be ready for that lol.

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