Chapter 40 | "walk away"

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"What the fuck Taeyong?"

"Chaerin, calm down." He said quickly, rising from his seat as the approached his desk.

"I thought you said you trusted me, was that a lie? Since when do I need to be babysat."

"You don't Chaerin-"

"Then why are you doing this?" She exclaimed, cutting him off. "I'm perfectly capable of handling myself, and before you make up some lame excuse, I know there's something you're hiding from me. Don't think I've missed the strange looks or hushed whispers around the house, so spill."

She watched him let out a deep sigh, his expression softening as he flashed her an apologetic glance.

"I can't."

"Excuse me?"

"Im sorry, but I can't tell you what's going on. It's for your own good." He sighed out, seeing the anger on her face flare up.

"There you go again with that for my own good crap. Making decisions for me. Stop it! You said I was one of the few people you trusted."

"You are." He said quickly, his eyes full of sincerity.

"Then why are you doing this? What's with all the sneaking around?" She asked, obviously hurt.

"Chaerin, this is delicate information. I really can't tell you, it's a gang thing."

"Alright fine. I get that I haven't been here long so there's some things I can't know, I can get over that." She said with a slight nod. "But I thought you'd trust me enough, trust me to be mature enough, to accept that without you having to lie and sneak around. And not just you, you're making the guys, my friends and only family I've got left, hide shit from me. What is wrong with you?"

"Do not speak to me that way." He snapped, starting to feel his pent up frustrations bubble up. "I'm sorry I didn't just be upfront with you, but it's for your own good and you have to trust me on that."

"Why? You didn't trust me to respect your gang shit." She retorted.

"Chaerin, I am still the leader of this gang and you still do have to listen to me." He ordered coldly. "This is one of those times."

"Fine. Whatever you're all high leader Taeyong, as you wish." She said sarcastically before turning on her heel.

"Don't you walk away from me!" He growled.

Hearing those words and his low tone sparked something in her. A rage and defiance that she hadn't felt for a while as she turned back to face him.

"I should've walked away! I should've left you a long time ago!"

"But you didn't."

"Yeah, my mistake, and one I'll never make again." She snapped.

Instantly something shifted in Taeyong's expression as she said that, the anger quickly fading.

"Wait, Chaerin." He called, gently grabbing her shoulder and spinning her around to face him. "Why didn't you walk away? Leave all this behind and carry on with life? Leave me behind..."

She let out a deep sigh, seeing the hollow expression on his face.

"I should've."

"But you didn't." He replied quickly. "Why?"

"Because I care about you. I wish so badly that I could hate you, that I could run away and trust that I'd never regret it or think about you ever again. But I know I can't." She said softly.

"You know, it's okay to love something you can't explain..." Taeyong mumbled. "You said you wouldn't make the mistake of staying again... what does that mean?"

She paused, thinking back on what she said with a shake of her head as the rage left and her mind cleared up.

"Nothing." She said, waving it off. "Don't make me regret this. I hope whatever gang issue you're dealing with, sorts itself out quickly. I'll see you tomorrow."

She dipped her head to him before turning snd leaving the room.

Taeyong slumped down in his chair, letting out a breath of relief. He'd been so preoccupied with everything that he hadn't spent much time with her and didn't realize how much it had been affecting him. He'd started to go back to the cold hearted person he once was, and it almost cost him the girl he loved.

A small smile made its way onto his face as he thought of spending more time with her. He'd be sure to make it up to her.

Just as he relaxed into his chair, a message popped up on his phone. Once he read it, he felt a shiver go up his spine, his eyes darkening as he grabbed his gun from next to him. Silently, he rose from his seat and left his office.

 Silently, he rose from his seat and left his office

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