Chapter 28 | "no way"

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"Absolutely not, Chaerin, no way." Taeyong strolled through the entrance to the main room with Chaerin trailing behind him.

It was their final week of school and all of them were preparing for graduation after acing their finals.

"But why not? I can fight and it's been weeks since my last mission!" She whined.

"Chaerin, I said no. You're graduating this week and this mission will run through the weekend. Yuta, Doyoung, Kun, and Ten aren't going either." He said sternly. "Plus you're valedictorian. I'm not letting you miss your graduation for a mission. The rest of the gang can handle this one. End of story."

She groaned as he left the room, allowing herself to flop onto the couch where Jaemin, Jeno, and Jaehyun were sitting.

"Everything alright?" Jaehyun asked with an amused huff as he stared down at where her head was resting on his lap.

"No. Taeyong won't let me come with you guys on the Busan mission." She said with a pout.

"Well obviously not. We're going to be gone all week, you cant miss your graduation after all your hard work!" He exclaimed, helping her sit up and ruffling her hair.

"Wait, the Busan mission means that we're missing their graduation?" Jaemin asked with a frown.

"Crazy, right?"

Jeno and Jaemin both nodded in agreement with Chaerin, shooting glares ag Jaehyun.

"Hey it's not my call." He said, raising his arms in defense. "Stray Kids asked us to help them out, who are we to say no?"

"Ugh, whatever. We have to go pack." Jeno said, the two of them standing up with pouts and trudging out of the room.

"Sorry, Chae, but Taeyong is right about this one." He said with an apologetic glance. "We'll say goodbye before we leave in a few hours."

"Ugh, fine. You all better return in one piece though." She called as the older boy left the room.

- - -

The rest of the week was uneventful. The house was silent with only five people in it, seeing as though the rest of the gang was on the mission.

Her final week as a college student consisted of lots of photos, reminiscing on memories, and hanging out with the school friends she'd been ghosting.

Speaking of ghosting, Hansol wouldn't even look at her. He was back with Eunbi, the girl literally drooling over him the whole time and Chaerin did whatever she could to avoid them.

It was finally the day of their graduation, and Chaerin was backstage by the bleachers checking over her makeup one last time before the ceremony started.

She stared out into the crowd, seeing all the families and friends of her peers lining the stands and she couldn't help feel sad. She knew her parents wouldn't come, seeing as though they were overseas, but it saddened her to know that no one was there for her. They hadn't even called to say congrats.

She sighed seeing the happy smiles of parents waving to their children, a proud glimmer in their eyes that she had rarely ever seen in her parents. Despite it being a happy day, Chaerin couldn't help the pit in her stomach to be alone.

"Hello, loves."

She spun around, a huge grin spreading onto her face as she saw a familiar figure in a sharp suit walking up to her.

"Taeyong? What are you doing here?"

"You didn't seriously think I was going to miss your graduation, did you? What kind of friend would I be to do that."

She laughed as she ran into his arms, the older boy giving her a tight squeeze before releasing her.

"Thank you for coming."

"Of course. I also had to come because we needed enough cars to transport everyone." He said with a smile.

"Enough cars...? Wait. Are all of them-"


She was abruptly cut off as Jisung, Chenle, Renjun, and Jeno all tackled her in a bone crushing hug, the rest of the boys appearing from behind the bleachers as well.

"We came to see you, Doyoung, Kun, Ten, and Yuta graduate! Don't we look nice!"

"You look great, Jisung. Love the suit. Please let go of me, I can't breathe."

They released her with a fit of giggles before returning to the others, who all came to greet Chaerin before she was left alone with Taeyong as they went to find their seats.

"Thanks for bringing them."

"Of course."

"I didn't think you were supposed to finish for two more days, how'd you make it in time?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow at the boy.

"I may have... taken matters into my own hands to finish the mission early." He said with a suggestive tone.

"You mean..." she made a slicing motion across her neck with her hand.

"Yeah." He said with a nod. "It's your special day, I couldn't let us miss that."

"I thought prom was my special day." She replied playfully.

"Well you're a very special girl so you deserve many special days."

"Such a goof." She murmured, turning away from him in embarrassment.

"Did I make you blush?"

"No that's the makeup." She said, quickly trying to cool her face before turning back to him.

"Uh huh, sure it is." He said with a disbelieving smirk. "I think you're being beckoned for photos, I'll see you after." He added, noticing some of her friends waving at her.

She peaked over her shoulder before turning to nod at him shyly.

"Congratulations, again." He whispered into her ear, gently picking up her hand and placing a kiss on the top. "Go enjoy it."


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