Chapter 46 | "wrong move"

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"Ah! Help!"


"No shut up help me!" She yelled at Doyoung as he stood there, unmoving.

"Chaerin. You literally have killed four people in a span of 10 seconds before, we even have a mission tonight, and you're freaking out about... a spider?" He said with an exasperated sigh as he glanced at the small black spider on the kitchen floor.

She was currently squatting on the edge of their kitchen counter, having leaped up there when she first saw the spider and yelling for one of the boys until Doyoung ran in.

"Yeah well people don't have 8 arms." She snapped back.

"They're also not half an inch big!"

In the blink of an eye, the spider was gone and Chaerin's spider issue was quickly taken care of. The two of them spun to see Taeyong standing in the doorway.

"Taeyong, what the fuck." Doyoung deadpanned with wide eyes.

"What? She said she was scared of the spider, so I got rid of it." He shrugged back.

"I mean yeah but that doesn't mean you have to fucking shoot the thing." Doyoung replied, gesturing to the gun in his hand.

"Eh, whatever. Same result." Taeyong mumbled as he helped Chaerin off the counter. "Who knew that spiders were your weak spot."

"Don't judge me, spiders are terrifying." She mumbled as he pulled her into his arms, back hugging her as she leaned on the table.

"Well I'd rather you be afraid of spiders than lethal mafia members." He chuckled. "Don't forget that we have a mission tonight."

"I know, I'll be fine as long as I'm not fighting off some spiders." She replied playfully, leaning back into Taeyong with a smile.

"I'll make sure to have you cover the area without the giant human-sized spiders." He replied with a laugh.

"Ew Chaerin and Taeyong are being sappy." Yuta groaned out as he walked into the kitchen with some of the other guys.

"Gross." Ten said with a smirk. "We get that you're together now, enough with the flirting."

"As if we hadn't been dealing with their hidden flirting for the past few months." Doyoung added, earning himself, and the other two boys, a smack on the back of the head from Kun.

"Oh leave them alone." The Chinese boy said with a chuckle. "It's cute."

"If by cute you mean cringey...."

"Watch it Kim, I've got my knife on me." Chaerin said with a playful growl, Doyoung quickly raising his hands in defense.

Taeyong just shook his head with a laugh, resting his chin in the crook of her neck with a smile as they all slowly made their way out of the kitchen.

- - -

"Okay, be careful, alright?" Taeyong said as they hopped out of the car. "I don't know exactly what we're dealing with here."

"It's fine, Tae, I'll be fine. We've delt with gang challenges before." She said with a sigh. "I'll call if I need backup."

"Ready to teach these assholes a lesson?" Yuta said, cracking his knuckles with a smirk. "Literally who the fuck challenges us?"

"I don't know but don't be reckless." Taeyong said, nodding to all the boys. "You know your posts. Let's do what we came here to do."

They all nodded, pulling up their masks and falling into silence as they approached the warehouse of some unknown gang that had challenged them. Once they reached the entrance where they'd split, Chaerin felt Taeyong squeeze her hand. She turned to look at him, flashing him a reassuring nod.

"I'll see you soon, okay?" She whispered.

"Yeah. See you in a bit." He said with a shaky breath before letting her go.

She smiled at him before turning and heading down her hallway. She was tightly clutching onto her gun, listening for any sounds that would indicate another person.

This wasn't a familiar warehouse to them so they were all a bit on edge. As she rounded a corner, she began to hear footsteps coming towards her.

She quickly spun around, seeing an unfamiliar man charging at her. She reacted quickly, ducking out of his way and knocking him hard into the wall.

He let out a pained groan before trying to throw himself on top of her again. She grunted under the weight of his muscular body but was able to slip out before she could get seriously hurt.

Before he could get up, she pulled out her knife and pointed it at him, not wanting to use her gun and potentially attract more people to their location.

"Where is your leader?" She demanded with a low growl, the man's eyes widening in fear as they landed on the knife threateningly pointed towards his chest. "Answer!"


She let out a sigh, an almost breathy chuckle leaving her lips as she twirled the knife in between her fingers.

"Oh you don't seem to get it. I asked you a question, and I you to tell me what I want to know." She quickly drove the knife into his leg, the man letting out a pained cry. "Or else there will be a lot more where that came from."

"I'm not telling you anything!" He spat back, his breathing labored as he tried to combat the pain.

"Wrong move." She pulled out another knife, this time driving it into his arm. "Want to talk now? The next one is going in your neck."

"Okay okay!" He yelled, seeing her pull out another knife. "He's in the main room. It's on this floor, center of the building."

She let out a satisfied hum, pulling her knives out of the man and putting them back in her harness. She didn't say anything, taking a few steps away before quickly pulling her gun and shooting him in the chest until he was dead.

"The leader is in the center room. First floor. I'm heading there now." She said into her earpiece as she quickly made her way down the hallway.

"Got it, we'll be right there."

She stalked through the maze of hallways, not hesitating to shoot anyone she encountered who might try and stop her. Soon she arrived at a large set of double doors, and based on the map scan that Hendery had given all of them, she assumed that this was the center.

She took a deep breath, backing up a step before harshly kicking open the door and walking in with her gun raised. To her surprise, the room was empty, or so she thought until her eyes landed on a figure standing in the center.

"Hello Chaerin, miss me?"

"Hello Chaerin, miss me?"

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