Chapter 9 | "push yourself"

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They didn't see her for the rest of the day, which was worrying to say the least, but they did see Hansol and he was not happy.

When Yuta and Jaehyun arrived home, they went straight to the practice room, already guessing that was where she had disappeared off to, and they were right.

As they walked in, they saw Chaerin in the center of the room, knife in hand, with Jaemin giving her instructions and Jeno watching from the side. The watched as she nodded to whatever Jaemin had just said, letting out a deep breath and throwing the knife at the target. It flew through the air and hit the target about 6 inches off of center.

"Not bad," they head Jaemin say as they approached. "You're a quick learner."

"Yeah but let's keep working." She said quickly, picking up another knife.

"Are you sure about that, Chaerin?" Jeno said cautiously, going to take the knife out of her hand. "You need to take a break."

"But I don't want to, I'm just starting to get there and-"

"He's right, Chaerin, don't push yourself too hard." Jaehyun said, causing the three of them to turn around. "How's she doing Jaemin?"

"Actually surprisingly well." The younger boy replied with a nod. "She's not bad for a first timer."

"Great, then you two can continue tomorrow." Jaehyun said with a pointed look, nudging Yuta forward.

"We need to talk." He said, gently grabbing her arm and pulling her behind him. "We'll see you guys later." He called out as he pulled her out of the room.

He dragged her to the main room before plopping her down on the couch and taking a seat across from her.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly as Kun, Ten, and Doyoung walked in, taking seats around them.

"Yuta told us what happened," Kun said, comfortingly wrapping an arm around her. "It's going to be alright."

"He should never have done that to you, Chae, it's his fault not yours." Doyoung said quickly, seeing the look on her face. "Don't blame yourself."

"Say something, Chae," Ten said softly. "What are you thinking about?"

"He broke up with me." A single tear slid down her face as the words left her mouth.

The boys jaws dropped, all of them sharing astonished looks, a mix of joy and pity in their eyes.

"Are you for real?" Yuta asked slowly.

"Yeah... or at least were taking a break. That's what he said." She sniffled out, wiping her tears.

"Hey don't cry." Kun murmured, squeezing her tighter. "This will be for the best, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. If you're really meant to be together like you think you are, then you'll find your way back. If not, then it wasn't meant to be."

"Thanks, Kun." She sighed. "I know that you guys have been waiting for this, but it feels so bad."

"We never liked you guys together, but we hate seeing you sad like this." Yuta mumbled. "We didn't want this to hurt you."

"It's fine, I'll be fine." She said, sitting up straighter. "Jaemin said I'm good at throwing knives."

They all laughed softly as she tried to chance the subject to something lighter.

"Well that's good."

"Is it though?" Ten asked, interrupting Doyoung. "Now if we piss her off, we'll have a knife coming for our heads."

They all chuckled at Ten's comment, the boys nodding in agreement.

"Yeah so you better be nice, or who knows what I'll do." She said jokingly.

"Yes ma'am." Yuta replied, sitting up straighter. "What can we do for you today?"

"Hmm..." she trailed off, pretending to be deep in thought. "How about... some bubble tea?"

Immediately all the boys lit up at the idea, nodding their heads and standing up as Kun grabbed the keys before heading out the door.

Immediately all the boys lit up at the idea, nodding their heads and standing up as Kun grabbed the keys before heading out the door

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Sorry for the short chapter today! I'll update with a longer one tmrw!

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