Chapter 26 | "without you"

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After a very stressful day of finals, which thankfully Chaerin felt had gone extremely well, she was packing up to leave for the day.

"Hey, Ten, how'd the finals go?" She asked as her friend walked up.

"Not great. I'm pretty sure I tanked my statistics test so I'm gonna need to ace my econ final in order to hold my spot in the top 10%. Doyoung, Kun, and I are heading to the library to study, actually."

"Not Yuta?"

"Yuta wasn't here today, his finals start tomorrow." Ten said with a nod. "But do you want to come with us?"

"Oh, I think I'm gonna head home and study. I find it more productive." She said, closing her locker.

"After your little date with Taeyong, right?"

Her eyes widened as she spun to face her friend, seeing Ten staring back at her with a smirk.

"How did you..."

"I've been watching you two since prom. I know you know he likes you."

"I know, I'm trying to figure it out."

"Well good. Taeyong scares the shit out of us but being on his good side is probably the safest place for anyone to be." Ten smiled, ruffling her hair. "I'll see you at home, have fun. But not too much fun."

Chaerin chuckled, shoving the older boy in the shoulder and rolling her eyes before making her way outside, her eyes searching for Taeyong.

Her vision was blocked as a tall figure moved to intercept her.

"You're a bitch, you know that Chaerin?"

"Hansol, what are you doing?" She sighed out, seeing her boyfriend staring down at her with an angry frown.

"I'm pissed off with you. You never listen to me, you're annoying as hell, and I can't stand you anymore!" He yelled, shocking Chaerin.

"Hansol, please don't do this right now. We can talk later, I-"

"I don't want to talk later, I'm angry now. First you don't get the dress I want, then you roll up to prom with some loser as your date! How do you think that makes me look to see my girlfriend with some other guy who everyone at prom is buzzing about."

Chaerin couldn't help but scoff, crossing her arms over her chest in anger.

"Me? This is my fault? You're the one who ditched me!"

"How dare you raise your voice at me! You should be grateful to me."

"Grateful for what? For the constant emotional abuse you put me through? For the way you walk all over me and try to control everything about my life? I have nothing to be grateful for!" She yelled, obviously surprising Hansol by the way she talked back.

"Be grateful that I even dated your sorry ass! I never even liked you!"


"You're literally so fucking annoying and unbearable to be around, but you're a hot piece of ass so I thought why not. But all you want to do is sappy shit and I don't have time for that, why do you think I kicked you out of the apartment?"

Her eyes widened in shock, a mix of betrayal and anger filling her gaze as Hansol stared down at her.

"You kicked me out to cheat on me for a quick fuck?" She yelled out.

"That's all I thought you were going to be until I realized that you were serious. I should've left you a long time ago."

"No I should've left you! How dare you date me just for my body and then treat me like this! If anyone is a bitch here, it's you!"

Her head jerked to the side as she felt a stinging on her cheek from where he slapped her.

"Shut the fuck up."

That was the last straw for Chaerin. It's like a wall had been lifted, a wall that had been slowly crumbling ever since Taeyong came into the picture, and she could finally see clearly again. Gone was the small, quiet girl who blindly followed Hansol, she was done being that. His trance over her was broken, and all she felt was rage.

"Alright that's it, we're done." She said simply, fixing her hair and walking past him, only for him to grab her arm.

"No, don't you walk away from me. I decide when we're done, not you."

"Yes me." She snapped back, ripping her arm from his grasp. "I'm making the call this time. I should've done this ages ago, god I was so blind to all the shit you've done to me! Dumping your sorry ass was long overdue."

"Who are you going to go to, then? Hmm? That stupid Taeyong guy? His bitchass is weak. You'll be all alone in this world without me." Chaerin's blood boiled at his words as she turned and fixed him with an icy cold glare.

"I don't need a guy to survive. I'm plenty as I am, and way better off without you. We're done, end of story."

With that she turned and walked through the gates, finally leaving Hansol to stand there, smoldering with rage.

She caught sight of Taeyong's car, the older boy immediately hopping out of his seat and rushing up to her.

"Hey, loves, are you okay?" He asked, cupping her face gently in his hands. "I uh, I saw what happened."

"Oh yeah, we'll it's safe to say I broke up with him." She mumbled, fighting back the tears. "What, no cheers of joy?"

He immediately shook his head, pulling her into his chest and securing her in his arms.

"I would never do that. Yes I'm happy your no longer dating a boy who hit you, but I know it hurts and I don't ever want to see you unhappy." He released her and held her at arms length to get a good look at her face. "This will be for the better, and I know you know that, but it's okay to be hurt right now. He was still a part of your life and cutting people off always stings."

"Thanks Taeyong." She mumbled as he used his thumb to wipe off the single tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Of course, loves. Why don't we call off ice cream today, we can do it another time. Let's go home and you can talk to Yuta all about it."

She silently nodded her head, shooting him a grateful glance as they hopped in his car and drove back to the house.

She silently nodded her head, shooting him a grateful glance as they hopped in his car and drove back to the house

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